Wednesday, May 11, 2022

YouTube Increasing Censorship on "Nudity"...



This is bizarre. The e-mail below popped up in my box last night. It alludes to an "appeal" request I supposedly submitted over their marking the video above as "adult". The thing is, I don't even recall submitting an appeal, but may have, and if I did, it would have been years ago (good job on the timely reply YouTube, lol). It says I loaded the video in 2017, so about 5 years ago. I pay no attention to my so called YouTube channel, as you can tell, ergo why there are such paltry numbers of views.  :)  

Here's the thing, should anyone care to watch it, what are they opposed to? There is no booty sex, there is no booty. In fact the one photo of my backside, I'm wearing panties, and I put my URL and my name across the top of my butt, to "block" anything salacious. The video is static photos That's it. 

Any live video of the beach, swimming, track, the Olympics, dancers, you name it, has hot chicks in by comparison, my little video is G-Rated. For example, I searched track chicks butts on YouTube and got this: 


Bikini Chick Butts? 

Fitness Chicks Butts? 

Big Booty Butts? 

So, someone, please for the love of God...tell me what the hell YouTube is so offended by...with my G-Rated video. This world is just increasingly so, fucking, odd. I don't even really care, it just caught me off guard because it' stupid. Anyway, with all this talk about butts, YouTube can just kiss :)


  1. Sorry Ma'am, just a sophormoric attempt at a compliment for you beautiful derriere.

    1. Understood. All compliments accepted...whether I'm bright enough (usually not) to "get them" or not. :)

  2. Totally agree Vanessa, makes no sense at all. As a side note i have also never understood why it is that so many platforms are seemingly totally OK with violence, but sex? Then they freak out and shut down.


    1. From what I understand, this is something a bit unique to the USA. Other nations, some anyway, tend to worry more about endless graphic murder and violence, and worry less about tits and ass. Here in the US, our "faux purtians" love their violence, but *hate* far as they state "publicly". :)

  3. Vanessa you’re in amazing physical shape! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful body.
