Wednesday, March 30, 2022

BDSM Fetish Fashion... :)

  It's sort of odd, how things creep up on you and catch your sort of unawares. I'm not sure why I've been thinking about clothing and fashion in general lately (the Oscars the other night probably started it) and how things have changed the last 20 years or so. What I mean is, how shocking certain BDSM or kink influenced "looks" were not so long ago, how they would catch all the headlines, conservative pearl clutchers would be shaking their heads, ranting about the decay of the moral fabric of society, becoming apoplectic, and one says much. It's mostly accepted, which is of course a good thing. 


  The reality is, back in the old days, photos like these were basically "porn" and would make young guys aroused and have to "relieve" themselves and in need of...

Maybe the old guys as well. 


  Of course now, guys have Viagra, and don't have to rely on devices such as the one below, which someone actually designed and filed a patent for.  :) 

  I actually really like this look. It's cut really well, the color is complimentary to his skin tone, it's classy and fits him damn well. "Western" world business and evening suits...are so boring. While the basic suit look great, it's monotonous and so limiting to what men could be wearing. 

  Of course fashion, like everything else, is cyclical. I presume that means one day fairly soon, a certain segment of society will want to go with a more reserved and "chaste" look. Though I'm not really anticpiating full on Hoop or Bustle skirts any time soon.  :) 

   What's a bit odd is, I have an interest in fashion, but rarely put effort into what I personally wear, which makes no sense. I love creating clothing, making it, reading about it, checking into new designers and have an appreciation of it from a historical perspective. But I tend to lean towards how my great, great, great...ancestors clothed themselves, such as The Venus Callipyge below (aka the Callipygian Venus), and it's interesting that while fashion and the human body change, it also...does not. "The Venus" is dated to roughly 1st century BC and you may notice that what she and I both have in common pants. :)

Yea, I know. This whole blog post fucking sense. 
It was brought to you by...insomnia.  :)