Thursday, March 17, 2022

Arnold Schwarzenegger for POTUS. :)


Okay, yeah....he can't run for President of the US, as he was not born here. However, if he could, I would in all likelihood vote for him. And yes, he's a Republican, but you know, a real one, not a RINO (Republican In Name Only) like Trump, Bush, anyone on Fox News, most of the GOP members of Congress, plus the majority of their voters as of recent times. As in, Arnold adheres to the original ideals, version and philosophy of the Republican party...something most in the GOP today, don't even know about. 

My point is, someone can be fiscally conservative, support environmental causes, desire small government, and NOT hate LGBTQIA, women, people of other races and religions, not be obsessed with other people's sex lives, and still believe in things like, history, facts, common sense, logic, education, and be a good person.

Millions of memes I've seen revolving around cuckoldry, finally, someone got it right.  :) 

And on the topic of cuckoldry and people running ads stating they are a cuckold, confusing that with meaning submissive, the "only" thing that can turn a man into a his wife or significant other. Being cuckolded is not a state of mind people. Its not a mood, its not a fad, its not something one conjures up or orders from Amazon. Its something done to a man. I know there are a few "resident experts" that try to say you are born one, which is just laughable. That makes as much sense as saying you are "born" a fireman, mechanic or a race car driver. No. You have to "become" one of those professions, you are not "born" one.

cuck·old /ˈkəkəld,ˈkəkōld/
a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful, often regarded as an object of derision.

 I am not defining people as black and white. I have not defined anyone as anything. A dictionary defines words. You have an issue with that, bring it up with the people that write dictionaries, or that create languages. Per some example, those men might be "wannabes" but they are not, in any way shape or form, "cuckolds" no matter how many linguistic revisionist lunatics might want to state otherwise. I could point out that the word applies to animals as well, but I fear that knowledge would elude/overwhelm some. You can call a pink taco a blue platypus if you like, it does not change the fact that this would be...100% wrong. This message was brought to you by facts, reality, common sense and...the dictionary, which I, incidentally, did not write.  :)


Anybody have any knowledge or information on SLS.Com, good or bad, please let me know.

Screenshot from Fetlife. Just in the off chance anyone wants to know how some Black males view being depicted as nothing but a dick...for the fantasy of others. Maybe, just maybe, they'd prefer being seen actual whole human being?  :) 





  1. You display how you treat others by putting this blog out for us; you share of yourself, and I am eternally grateful. I may not agree with everything you say (there's probably been 2 things in the past 2 years:) but I always enjoy coming over here and seeing what you're thinking of right NOW:).

    Again; thank you:)

    1. Glad you enjoy my little rambling and musing rants. :)
