There I was, minding my own business (no, that does *not* mean masturbating, lol) reading a thread on some forum, when the question came up about whether or not a cuckold should be in the room, or nearby, when engaging in...a cuckold related tryst. For myself, being a sexual sadist, a good portion of the thrill of this *is* his participation, willing or coerced, and I don't play "fair" in that regard. Without that aspect, then it would be just me having sex with some guy. And while that still feels good, nerves and genitals being what they are, doing the regular old bok-bok-bok, without the mindfuckery, without the power dynamic, if there is no humiliation, no mental or physical sadism, it could be rather boring. That dominant and submissive energy, his willingness to yield to my unsated lustful lusting, to capitulate, to acquiesce to my wishes and demands, that's where the "heat" and the extra spark come from. Feeding off that energy, plus the thrill of a "new" lover, or someone sort of new, that's what puts me over the edge. The "absorption" of the submissive energy. That's hot. :)
Might as well store all your valuables securely, cuz even a machine won't suck your dick...cuckold. :)
Religion and sex. Sex and religion. What a strange world some people have created for themselves. Hardcore religious fundamentalist people with their aversion to sex, or purported aversion to sex, at least publicly, and then being "freaks-in-the-sheets" privately, what a surreal life they live. Its like this bizarre melding of puritanism and sex sells. Horniness and sexual oppression. Madonna and the Whore complex. Things of that nature, the end result Wanting it. Reviling it (or pretending to). Lusting after it. Denouncing it. Big tits. Hide your tits. Don't watch porn...while they run off to the whorehouse. Hide their penis, then spending a fortune on hard-dick-pills. Don't be a slut, but be my slut. Cover your nipples, while they're driving to the Tittie Bar. Fucked in the mind and in their sex related OCDish, yet self-repressed groins...I will never, ever, ever understand it. I mean, sex is normal and natural, live your lives, to thine own self be true, be real, be honest, and just enjoy it. :)
Guy below has a point. If the tax code is so complex people need to hire someone to figure it out, simplify it. If people of average intelligence can't understand it, what good is it? If you have to have an advanced degree to grasp it, its stupid, especially considering more and more people have some sort of degree. Or are those degrees worthless, both knowledge wise, and career wise? I mean, if everyone and their cousin has a degree, they've become ubiquitous and the value of those degrees lowers. It used to be most jobs were learned through apprenticeships, on the job training, then Wall Street and Big Education realized they could make billions by shifting the agenda towards the "need" for a degree...of which much of what people learn, serves no real purpose. Not that learning anything is bad of course, but much of that could be gleaned from reading a book, hitting a library, and not having to pay 10's of 1000s to learn it. Just learning "stuff" via rote memorization to be able to pass tests is not a true education. Plus, the level of corruption is stunning, and yes, a huge part of it is within the colleges and Universities. The tuition costs are bankrupting people, to the point where soon, this will flip and cycle around and fewer people will attend college. On the topic of cost and corruption, is "Aunt Becky" still on parole? :)
What a fantastic view to have...right outside your door.
I came across the following photo by accident, and it reminded me how I used to be so attracted to Frank Zane. I would have to say that of any bodybuilder, his physique was the one I found most appealing. And, maybe I'm being a bit nostalgic, but the "look", that era, the fashion, the furniture, seems like a much simpler and less chaotic time. Obviously that would not be true as there were problems and issues, there always is, but it "seems" like it was just...a safer, simpler and nicer time. :)
Fortunately for me, when I first met my (now) husband, while he was never into competitive bodybuilding, he worked out seemingly non-stop so he was about...maybe 80% to 85% "there" with the same look, albeit a few inches taller and perhaps 30 pounds of the first things that attracted me to him. :)
Hell yes. I think guys should wear and rock this look! :)
Black Panther & Rottweiler...Best Buddies. :)
Panda...just loving life. :)
I'm not a gun nut, but I found this 40 Shot Chain Pistol interesting.
Life through Racist Glasses.
360 Degree View from the Top of Mount Everest on a clear day.