Friday, June 25, 2021

Stupid Saturday Stuff. :)


Want to know what I think? I think Brandeis University...should shut their politically correct, cow cunted, whore mongering, glory holy fluffing, ass fucked fucking faces...the fuck up.  :) 

"Realistic"? Sure...assuming you're a smoking hot hottie, with a rocking bod, near a tropical island, surrounded by multi-million dollar yachts.  :) 


You mean you can...just walk into someone's home, plant a flag and take it over? And here I am, an idiot, paying a mortgage and stupid things like that.  :) 


I don't know...with some guys, we'd end up with way too shallow rows.  :)


No girls allowed? 


No way in hell I'd drive across/through this. 


  1. For many students university is the first place they meet people of different backgrounds. Leave the kids alone and they'll draw their own lines as to what is offensive... You know, exchanging ideas, communicating with each other... I think it used to be called "learning?" Like people used to do at universities? I guess now I shouldn't use that term as it excludes those that graduate the halls of academia without having learnt a damn thing - maybe they should be correctly re-branded as "Places of Certificate-Attaining."

    I had to read the article to see if they were serious about the "rule of thumb" thing. It has nothing to do with domestic abuse, it comes from the building trade. Your thumb is roughly an inch wide, if you need to estimate a measurement it's a good guide - not precisely accurate, but close. A rule of thumb is a good guideline - a common sense practice that works most of the time. An example might be free speech - as a rule of thumb, people in a formal setting will talk to each other with consideration.

    My favourite part was 'Similarly, “transsexual” is a word people “outside of that group should not use.” Instead, the school recommends people simply refer to them as “trans and gender non-conforming folk.”' Hopefully someone's working on a catchier name! What's the PC term for "walk-in closet" - "wardrobe accessible by those who can propel themselves with their lower limbs?"

    Incidentally, knowing your wonderfully vulgar views on censorship, I always think of you when I see Kevin Can Fuck Himself on AMC. The stupidity of censoring the name of your own program - bleeping it out when spoken, obscuring the word when written - what's the point? Is it supposed to be edgy? I'd name each episode something more disgusting but which passes standards and practices - "Kevin Can Torture Kittens To Bring Himself To A State Of Arousal Before Sticking His Engorged, Bifurcated, Pox-Riddled Member Into The Gaping Rump Of A Dromedary Camel And Spraying His Love Batter All Up In Her Guts."

    Also, the premise for the show is fun on paper but a drag in reality.

    1. I fully support egalitarianism, and I equally detest PC. Politically correct speech fixes nothing and it solves nothing, its totally pointless. I mean the KKK could become PC, use all the correct non-offensive language, but they're still the KKK. A racist jackass is still a racist jackass, whether or not he or she speaks politely. And yes, school and college *should* be about education...not "indoctrination". :)
