Friday, January 29, 2021

An End to Internet Pornography as We Know It.

Fighting against the pornography and commercial sex industries can feel like an uphill battle...But in 2020, the movement made incredible steps forward thanks to our cunning strategy...steps we believe will truly help cripple online pornography forever. 

The anti-sex, anti-porn, pro-religious Christian/Muslim/Jewish fundamentalist, pro-theocratic idiotic adherents have forever and ever, tried to attribute rape and high divorce rates to the "porn" industry. So, lets just check the stats on that...

Is porn causing an increase in rape? Nope, rape has been going down for decades, meaning from the time the internet was "born" and online pornography has decreased. 


Is porn increasing divorce? Nope, divorce has been going down for decades, meaning from the time the internet was "born" and online pornography has decreased. 


So really, what it comes down to is religious zealots, under the guise of wanting to stop sexual abuse, exploitation of minors and trafficked victims (which we all want to stop), has been trying, and is still trying, to "rid" the world and the internet of pornography....based on their never ending lies, which they fully know are lies and not based on any science, data or facts. 

You want to stop the sexual exploitation and imprisonment of very young women and girls? 


   Annette Kellerman promoting a fitted, one-piece bathing suit in 1907. She was later arrested for indecency. What a slag!  :) 


The fun is always under the blankets.  :) 


People in India are knitting giant sweaters for rescued elephants to protect them from coming cold weather. (Not sure if this is legit, but its cute.)  :)



"Margot Robbie" explains the Reddit - GameStop - Wall Street fiasco.  :)


No matter where or what type of pet, they always take over the whole damn bed.  :) 

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