Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sundry Sunday Morning Memes. :)

Taking a well needed nap.  :)


 I simply can not...not post this. :)  

Trump Campaign Ends With Saddest Press Conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Rudy Giuliani shouting outside an adult store is exactly how we saw this ending. The largest collection of bastardized dumb fucks on the planet, meaning Trump, his staff, administration and his whole failed 4 years of chaotic accomplish nothing depicted perfectly in these photos and the corresponding article. :)


Tinder ad. 


Puppy coming out of a corrugated pipe in an obstacle course. 


Googled sexy founding fathers and was not disappointed.  :)

Tiddy Experiment.  :)

German soldiers celebrate Christmas in their trench on the Eastern Front, 1914.


One pissed off Bobcat sitting on a 40 foot tall Cactus in the Arizona desert after being chased by a mountain lion.


Ancient Roman mosaic floor found beneath a 1st century CE vineyard in the province of Verona Italy.


Alice Cooper helping out at a food bank.

Fire the carpenter...seriously. 

Spider Man? 


Unmistakable Bond...


Failed high five attempt...


Dress codes these days... :)
(Turn down speakers.)