Thursday, October 1, 2020

Jimmy Carter turns 96 years old today... :)

And that makes me very happy because he is an outstanding human being and someone I deeply admire. Pity the majority of Americas "Christians" don't look to him for inspiration, guidance, and as someone worth opposed to the swamp detritus tripe that leads the GOP's version of "Christians" today. His patience, grace, empathy, kindness, altruism, benevolence, humility, unmatched in my opinion, and humanity would be far better off having more people with those characteristics. The guy has done huge things in his life, that far surpass anything done in his 4 years as POTUS. One example is below, but the decades he's done things for Habitat for Humanity, building homes, helping the impoverished, traveling the world promoting peace, education, equal rights, civility, humanitarian and environmental unparalleled by anyone I've ever heard of, and he's one of the, if not the, most impressive human beings to ever walk on the face of Earth.   


 Jimmy Carter celebrating his 96th birthday today with a National Park Service employee.

To eradicate Guinea worm disease, the Carter Center enabled a filter straw device to be invented and distributed where people can have clean drinking water wherever they go. And because its Jimmy Carter, he assured no one would profit from it costs as little as $3. Since 1986, the program has used health education and water filtering to battle the disease and has successfully decreased the number of infections from 3.5 million down to 53 in 2019. If the effort achieves complete success, Guinea worm disease will be the first to be eradicated from the planet without the use of a vaccine.