Saturday, September 26, 2020

Stop Giving Democrat Politicians a Free Pass on Police "Black Lives Matter" Killings.

Yea, I know, the title doesn't totally make sense, but you get my point.  

Obviously the USA has a police problem. Obviously we have psychopathic cops killing people, of all races, but per capita wise more so those of dark skin. The marches, the protests, the fear, the hysteria, the babbling pundits, the campaign promises, the political threats, the disinformation, the blame and accusations are rampant, active and growing, and in some cases very valid. What's bothering me though is, how media and social media is portraying this as a "Left/Right" schism, with many on the left depicting this as a left leaning "civil rights" issue, versus a right leaning "law and order" issue.  

Balderdash, poppycock and covfefe on that I say.  :) 

The ongoing militarization of our police, both in the physical sense and in the hiring, screening, training, attitude, mantras, temperament and resultant street level actions is due to *both* parties policies. What I mean is, the police would *not* be acting like this, they would not be entrapping people, setting people up, goading people, trying to dominate, abusing and killing people...if the laws were not there allowing it, in some cases encouraging it, and giving them immunity from their actions. And who made those laws? Politicians. Both Democrat and Republican.  

People need to remember that a good part of this ties to the 50 year failed war on drugs. It was politicians trying to curry favor with voters promising to be "Tough on Crime" (instead of being *smart* on "crime") for the last few decades that set the tone for increased policing, laws against simple possession, more cops, more fire power, more judges, more prison sentences, longer prison sentences, resulting in overcrowding of prisons, which resulted in building private prisons for profit. And a good part of those laws were drafted, written, approved, voted on and passed by...Democrats.  

Bill Clinton was one of the worst. His wife, Hillary Clinton, no shrinking violet she, fully supported the same stupidity. So did Al Gore. So did Joe Biden, So did Kamala Harris and probably about 95% of the rest of the Democrat politicians in the aforementioned time frame...but *not* Bernie Sanders. Bernie has a clue, common sense and always has, but that's another topic.  

So now we have most Dems trying to portray this whole ugly horrible mess as being the fault of Trump, the GOP and their moronic "law and order" political message retardation. Yea, that's not even close to being true. Dems supported the war on drugs, Dems supported the increase in policing as we currently know it. Dems supported the Patriot Act. Dems supported giving police all the left over military hardware, guns, ammo, massive armored vehicles left over from the failed Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Dems supported giving police qualified immunity. 

This, and obviously other factors, ended up creating a situation where police feel like they can kneel on someone's neck, for almost 9 minutes, in bright daylight, with people milling around, with those same people videotaping the cops, while they murder someone...and get away with it. 

We, meaning Americans, voters and tax payers, need to hold *all* our employees accountable. And yes, all politicians, from the local small town mayor to the members of Congress and the President "work for you" and not the other way around. Most other 1st world nations don't have this problem because the voters would never allow their politicians to create such idiotic laws and policies. So while it might be politically advantageous right before a contentious presidential election between one of the stupidest fucking dumb fucks on the planet, meaning Trump, and 4th rate candidate Joe Biden, to act like this is because of cops...and part of it is, it's also because of the people that wrote the laws that allowed some cops to do hold them responsible as well. 





  1. Actually that opening title does make perfect sense.

    I am African American. Since I was 18 I voted Democrat. not out of choice but because it was expected of Black People to do so. Now 36 years later, I and many of my brothers and sisters have come to the conclusion that we have had.

    For over 50 years the Democrats have been supported by Black America and We have nothing tangible to show for it. And by that I actually mean something that benefits exclusionary for Black Americans and no one else.

    The only thing we've gotten definite from the Democrats is a long series of anti-black initiatives, featuring the infamous 94 crime bill done by current Democratic candidate Joe Biden. A bill that became the law that helped devastating black America by putting many of our people, primarily Black Men, in privatized prisons for profit and personal gain. Done with the full backing of the Democratic Party.

    Needless to say we are pissed. Some wish to cling to this irrational that the Democrats are our friends and will come to our rescue If only we support them one more time. As expected for nothing in return.

    We're done with that. And we have made that message quite clear across the internet. Is the reason why you see such intense begging and whining and shaming being aimed at Black America from a Democratic party. They want us to go back to thestatus quo in which Black America gives support only every 4 years for nothing in return.

    But with cases like George Floyd Brionna Taylor and far too many more to name right now, Democrats are showing Black America their true face. A face that will cost them as Black America politically matures.

    1. Well stated and on point. I hope things will improve, eventually. I'm not seeing any bright spots in the near future, but maybe they'll figure it out. Taking people for granted, just paying out lip service, empty promises, only goes so far. Anyhow, thank you for sharing some insight.

  2. Vanessa - whilst the UK police may be 'better' than those in the US they are no saints. Great comment too by Loki Armstrong.


    1. Hey, the only "saints" around here are you...and sometimes, rarely, me. :)

  3. It is not too late.
    I'll vote for you
    Your campaign slogan :
    No/Pants/Pré/si/dent !

    1. I'm in. And thank you for your support. All campaign contributions can be sent to:
      Pantsless POTUS
      69 PantsFree Avenue
      YourFace, Any State
      69692 :)
