Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday Floccinaucinihilipilification... :)

Canadian power-lifter Jessica Buettner dead-lifts 405lbs (183.7kg) for 20 reps.

I dead-lifted some Tacos earlier...still trying to recover.  :)


Holy Gluteus Maximus Assman...  :) 


High heels were originally worn by men. In the 10th century, men in Europe adopted the now-gendered fashion choice of heels to make it easier to ride their horses: Adding heels to their boots made it easier to stay in their stirrups. As Slate explains, "The Persian cavalry wore inch-high heels, and the trend spread to Europe. Since they showed that the wearer owned and maintained horses, high heels became associated with the upper class. 


Platform shoes once symbolized a person status. Raised platform shoes (known as "buskins") were worn by tragic actors in Ancient Greece to symbolize their superiority over comic actors, who wore plain socks.


You don't say. Really? Is this a surprise? Is anyone shocked by these (glaringly obvious) study results? I versus war mongering? Education versus bombs, boobies and beer? Calm rationale thinking and planing versus macho swaggering rage and ego? Sharing versus greed? Maternalistic, givers of life, the warmth and comfort of a mothers breast, compassion, empathy, and a better sense of priorities and values? Not really getting why this is even, "newsworthy" as...its a given. I fully endorse my missive, I am unanimous in it and...I'm not wearing pants. :)

A scene from an Indian TV show. 
I guess its rather low per props.  :)


Sweet Mother Of God....the "Studliness".  :)


Glenn Weiss, directed the Democratic National Convention from his home in Los Angeles. 
He's...not wearing pants.  :)



Hmm...perhaps a tad too graphic, lol?  :)


  1. Another great end from the lovely Miss V. Now if we just have a couple of other things (CVD/DJT) come to an end soon we could get back to well..normal.
