Saturday, May 9, 2020

Weekend News....Now 79.2% Covfefe Free....Plus Pants. :)


Lets see if I got this straight...the Catholic church, (and other denominations) don't pay taxes as they are "nonprofit" & are in the religion business, not the business of politics, then they spend enormous amounts of money lobbying for faith-based initiatives, which they'd love to make into law, then they claim bankruptcy for all the priest pedophile abuse cases to avoid judgments to victims, then they file for tax payer bailout funds...all while being the largest land holder of real estate on earth. Got it. :)

With more than 1 billion adherents, the Catholic Church is one of the largest, if not the largest, nongovernmental landowners in the world. One estimate puts the church's holdings close to 177 million acres, or 277,000 square miles.


Obligatory ass shot.  :)

I dressed up extra special....just for you.  :)


Made entirely out of balloons. 

Cabin In Massachusetts.


Train tracks in Lake Tahoe, CA.


A Tiny Douglas Fir Tree Growing On A Submerged Log In Fairy Lake, Canada.


  1. IWC here. I love your blog. I love your kinky sense of humor. And your smart take on political matters. Just wanted to write you and say thanks!

    1. Thank you for the message. The only way I can tell if people read, like, dislike, laugh, hate or if people contact me, as you just did, and let me know this. Otherwise, for all I know, I'm just one more crazy lady, babbling to herself, into the Universe. :)

  2. Love the blog as well Vanessa (though i think you know that) though i confess i prefer the sans pants pics.


    1. Thank you for the reply. I'll load more Santa Pants pics soon, lol. :)
