Saturday, May 30, 2020

Stay at Home People... :)

If you've seen any headlines lately, between the Coronavirus, cops killing people, protests which devolved into riots, Trump threatening actions which are way beyond his authority (as usual) now is still a good time to...enjoy your life, friends and family, at home. 
This will all pass.  :) 

This picture is more than 100 years old. Using triple negatives of blue, red, and green filters on glass, combined to create a beautiful color photo from 1911.


Beautiful outdoor cafe in Areopoli, Greece.

A full-sized inflatable boat, complete with beer cooler.
Wonder if it would fit in my bathtub?  :)


  1. Agreed. Stay home, brush up on Darwin, and watch natural selection in real time. While you're at it embrace female superiority. If women were in charge we wouldn't be in this mess. All men would have to worry about would be avoiding the whipping post. Again, Miss V great ass. But I'll keep my face buried in my lady's ass.

    1. Nice sentiment...but allow me to point out that, there are as many women that are bat guano crazy as there are men. Might be displayed slightly different in some cases, but nutzo-crazy all the same. Enjoy your day. :)

    2. Point taken, but there are 100 Rambo's for every Thelma and they are 100 times more violent along with being 100 times dumber.

    3. I fully concede that males are more violent. At the same time, we tend to be more...perfidious, devious and catty. And, I'll have to take your word on the Rambo/Thelma example thingie as...I don't think I've ever seen either. :)
