Saturday, May 2, 2020

Native American 3rd Gender. (Berdache - Sex Servants.)

Berdache: The term originates from the Arabic word bardaj (“slave” or “kept boy”).

In numerous Indigenous Native American cultures (and a multitude of cultures around the world, but obviously with a different name due to language differences) Berdache were considered two spirit shaman, where they often "dressed like a girl", functioned in some cases as a "second wife" and often as a slave or servant of the primary couple, but also considered to hold special “medicine” powers as healers. Not all two spirits lived as slaves, and while in some cases the term "slave" is a good descriptor, its not quite accurate. The Berdache were under the protection of someone high up in general, did women’s work, wore women’s clothes, and were generally healers as well. This was considered a place of honor, more than a place of disrespect, but they were still considered "owned" by the couple they served and serviced sexually. This might be close to what we would call bisexual today, and/or submissive, but the mindset was not quite the same as we view the world today. The point is, gender fluid people, transsexual, transvestites, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, sexual submissiveness...whatever titles one might prefer to use, is nothing new. 

"Paging Cuckold Bob Berdache to Tipi Number #5!"  :)


  1. That's a really fascinating read Vanessa, thanks for sharing. i find the whole hidden history of 3rd gender people fascinating. It helps me to also feel like, hey i AM normal!


    1. Some say there are as many genders as there are people. I get that...we are all unique, and gender being a societal invention, we each create/develop our own. But either way, normal or not, you, me, we, have just as much right to being happy and living our lives the way we does anyone else. :)

  2. Thank you for sharing. It is a beautiful reminder to some and an introduction to another way of seeing for those who care to open their minds.
