Monday, May 11, 2020

Fuck Me....Its "Monday" you Say? :)


(Photo and text below sent to me by a reader.)  

Hello Miss Chaland,

'A strict lady waiting'.
You can see that she needs to have a talk with her unruly man.
You can also see the top of her stocking, as well as her cleavage.
The whole picture is a major turn-on for me.
Time for 'over her lap'.

Well, that escalated quickly. 
Alex Jones.
 Far Right-wing, Conspiracy Theorist, Lunatic Extraordinaire. 

How to ruin your career, in just a few short moments.  

Who is "Chuck" and why is she so hot to meet him?  :)


Pablo Picasso chillin’ at his home studio in France, ~1956


Who will speak for the billionaires?


  1. I thought that Thompson-Knight screen grab must have been a joke. In this day and age, surely people - ESPECIALLY lawyers - know that posting vile, threatening shit on public pages UNDER YOUR OWN NAME and ON THE COMPANY FACEBOOK PAGE generally get you fired.

    Apparently not:

    If I ever need a lawyer, that's a firm I won't be using!

    1. People, some people, 'Muricans...have lost their damn minds. :)
