Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Thought I had a brainstorm on how to use all my unwanted pants.
Just slip them off (along with my panties) and sew them into a face mask.
But then it occurred to me...no one would want those right?
So, pressing on... :)



"Praise" for Donald Trump.
From a SmartAss... 

Our President is such an authoritative alpha male figure with his thick meaty hands and tall athletic build. His lush head of hair could easily be compared to a dominant male lion in its prime. His amazing encyclopedic vocabulary creates tears in the eye and a lump in the throat as he speaks with such smooth elegance like a seasoned playwright. And let’s not forget his solid commitment to marriage vows and faithfulness to Melania. It is awe inspiring his ability to function at such a high level, pushing through his bone spur pain. 
(Found Online) 


1965 camper with a boat for its top.
They made really cool looking stuff back in those days.  :)

Ohh....its gonna get ugly the next few months for the Democrats. 


  1. Those fucking hats....why not wear a dunce cap?


    sissy terrie
