Saturday, December 14, 2019

Porhubs Whapping - Fapping - Slapping Off - 2019 Year in Review. :)

I can feel...the carpal tunnel syndrome...from here.  :)


90% of expensive modern art collecting, is just tax evasion.

A lamplighter lighting a gas lamp in a street in Glasgow, Scotland, 1955.

Bora Bora.

My mom works for an elementary school in a poor part of Pennsylvania. Today someone anonymously donated hats, gloves, and shoes or boots for every single student. This is going to make a huge difference for some of these kids. (Found online.) 

Me...pointing out a submissive's place.
I *am* my own...GPS.  :) 


  1. About the art post.
    It's not just using donations for write offs. It's also using auctions to launder.
    Big art values are just tax evasion.

    1. That's an angle I had never even considered. It would help to explain why so many rich people buy...junk, at massively over-inflated prices.
