Saturday, November 2, 2019

No "Nut" November.....I can sense the Blue Balls from Here! :)

No Nut November is an internet challenge where men give up busting a nut–via masturbation or intercourse–for the month of November. For cuckolds, its just another month.   :) 

Personally...I'd never "fire" a good "Dic Unit".  :)

So apparently dressing peaches in panties is a popular novelty gift in China.

A young Dolly Parton with her husband Carl Dean. 
They’ve been married since 1966.

This 1974 letter to parents that was included in LEGO’s packaging encouraging the originality of imagination, gender equality, and simply just letting kids be who they are.

Carrie Fisher’s uncredited cameo in Blade Runner, 1982.

Connection with aliens established in Russia. 

Tattoo gallery....Sweet Mother of Fancy Moses!  :)


This guy is hilarious. Its possibly staged...but his deadpan facial expression and nonchalant attitude just really made me laugh.  :)



  1. Actually I'm in the middle of "No Nut 2019" which is much the same as 2018, 2017....
    Masturbation at least through manipulation of my tiny clit has been forbidden for so long I barely remember what it was like....

    1. A small bit of sympathy for your tiny little problem... :)

  2. Did you know that women have a small prostate and that 10 to 70% of women ejaculate while men have the remains of a vagina with which we do not know what they do?
