Monday, August 12, 2019

Leaked Draft of Trump Executive Order to 'Censor the Internet' Denounced as Dangerous, Unconstitutional Edict.

Hoe do you spell fascist? 


  1. To get an idea of the "alleged but unproven systemic bias against conservatives by technology platforms" that has inspired this move watch the Project Veritas tapes.

  2. I am aware of the nutcase that runs the shady operation, but will not be watching the movie. For me, its rather simple the right thing. If social media, mainstream media, print, visual, the blogosphere, normal, sane rational people are increasingly against a political "message", perhaps its time for some self reflection of what that message is. If the message is selling fear, paranoia, hate, bigotry, war mongering, fear of black people, fear of gays, fear of brown-skinned people, fear of women, fear of education, science, facts, history, logic and common sense...they can go "sell that" message on Fox News. Which is what they do already. :)

  3. Yes O'Keefe is as dodgy as fuck, esp. given his record on ACORN. The Veritas tapes still look disturbing however, and there are other lines of evidence showing bias in Silicon Valley's oversight of public discourse. I will never accept other people appointing themselves as gatekeepers of what I can be exposed to. "You must be protected from this because we deem it racist/offensive/xenophobic/transphobic/homophobic/misogynist etc." No, I'll look and I'll make that call.
    For the record I'm not scared of minorities, etc. I'm not even conservative. But I am concerned with identity driven zealotry. This played out to its logical conclusion at Evergreen State College in 2017.

    1. I concur...with the exception that private business can sort of do what they want. So within the "information dissementation" industry, they have free speech to write or say what they want, or to say nothing at all. Its the responsibility of the consumer to vet what sources they get "news" from, and to get it from diverse and multiple sources to confirm or deny what they are told. I mean Trump, his "White House", Fox News, Brietbart, Rush Limbaugh etc have all been lying for years. So people *should*, if they desire to listen to that tripe, cross referance details and facts from other sources to be properly informed. Alas, the neocons don't do that, which is why every single responsibly conducted study shows, and proves, they are dumber and more minsinfromed about current events and politics than any other group. But, the MSNBC and CNN crowd are closing in quickly. The irony being that *no one* should be considering themselves "informed" from watching ANY stupid Cable TV news snippet soundbits from talking head pundits. :)
