Thursday, August 1, 2019

Article: Yes, you can fight the growing pornography industry. (Oh...Go Fuck Yourselves!) :)

Look at the room full of Mormons. All white, brainwashed, generic and vanilla, clinging to some silly story of Joseph Smith finding gold plates that only he could read that were supposedly given to him by God that state that only white people can go to Mormon heaven but only if they abstain from any sex not sanctioned by the Mormon deacons...or some nonsense. 


I like facts. 
I've heard my whole that smoking weed will make you lose your memory, and that watching porn would make men rape random women on sight, cause a near 100% divorce rate, and that women are repulsed by any sort of salacious pornographical audio, visual or textual "stimuli". 

Rape has been dropping overall for decades.


Divorce rates are dropping.


Women are loving the "50 Shades of Gray" type of books and movies


The facts show that the religious right trying for half a century, at least, to make a connection between so called "porn" and social false. It's just human bodies. Nude bodies, having sex. Or words, photos or video of human beings...having sex. Its the most natural thing in the world. Its not some sort of cultural or crime related crisis. The cause and effect they have tried to make and attribute to porn and all these horrid social a lie. It does not exist. Same with smoking weed causing memory loss and...sorry, what was I bitching about again?  :) 


  1. Pretty people rubbing their bodies together and finding pleasure in it.....god forbid!!!!
    Imagine what would happen if everyone wanted to do that.....what would become of us!!!!"

    1. Its shocking! Shocking to think what might happen. People would have less time to shoot at each other for one thing... :)
