Monday, July 1, 2019

Cuckolding versus Cheating Debate....and Random Memes. :)

So, I got a "thing" going on in a forum where some guy is mad at me because he's saying that cuckoldry and cheating are two distinct things. I maintain they are not, from a semantically anal pedantic standpoint. I mean I "get" what he's saying, but his contention is that cuckoldry is fine, because it turns him on, yet "cheating" is cause to end a relationship. In other words, he feels its his "right" to vet and approve whomever she sleeps with, and he needs to basically coordinate the whole "event" to meet his expectations and fantasies.  

My point...

"Definition of cuckold : a man whose wife is unfaithful".  

That is the definition. Period. There is no stipulation that the male knows, or needs to approve.

He's trying to taking an action that has existed since the dawn of time, and trying to redefine it to suit his personal fetish interests. Cuckoldry exists in humans, and in wild animals of all sorts and types. Its part of the biological urge and instinct for a species to propagate and survive. In no part of history, human, fish or beast, does the male necessarily know of her infidelity, nor give permission. Unless cuckolded gold fish have a chat room I'm not aware of. :)

There is no permission granting in the act itself. For some humans, there may be an agreement stipulated on aspects that they mutually find erotic. For others, there is not. One could perhaps view that as part of a BDSM power dynamic, or something akin to swinging...but its not a requirement from the physical sense that the male half knows...or approves. That may be his interest, which is fine, but that has no bearing on the facts of the action itself. A so called "cheating wife" is a cheating wife, the male's awareness of said act, is not relevant to her spreading her legs for some other male.

At this point he cursed at me (the nerve, lol) and tried to equate "cheating" as abuse and the same as going home and beating on his wife and then calling it "BDSM". To which I replied...

Its disingenuous and disgusting for you to equate domestic violence to cuckoldry. One has a female engaging in sexual intercourse, for her pleasure, the other has a male beating up a female, without her consent or desire. The former might hurt the guys feelings if it becomes public, the other is a crime and could result in injury, or even death. There is no comparison between the two. At all. And on that note, I really can not believe I have to point this out. Your grasp of cuckoldry is neophytic at best, your comparison of copulation to domestic violence is appalling. I'd suggest you read more, write less, and learn a thing or two before expounding on topics you don't seem to fully understand. You're trying to top from the bottom, which is your choice, but that does not mean that anyone else, especially any woman, is going to go along with your "version".

Whereupon, he once again stated that they are not the same, and cheating is abuse and I was making up my own rules etc. To which I opined...

Wherever did you come up with the notion that aspects of cuckoldry were *not* abusive? You deign to state that I (and perhaps others) are "making rules'", yet these "rules" have existed for all time, and are known and accepted globally. Again, the definition *is* the definition. You can call a car a cuckold if you want, or you can all a Taco a cuckold if it pleases you, but throwing a hissy fit because 7.5 billion other inhabitants of this planet reject that definition is pretty pathetic. The definition of the word is "cheating", it always has been and always will be. When Shakespeare wrote a sonnet about it, there was no mention of any patriarchal dominance in the theme.   

He then said there was no "defined definition" of cuckoldry, to which I stated: 

 Yes, there indeed is a "defined definition" of cuckoldry. One can find "defined definitions" in the book that...defines definitions. Its called a dictionary (not to be confused with a Dickshunary.) :)

cuck·old a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful, often regarded as an object of derision. verb 1. (of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife. 

He then accused me of being a "know it all" and said I was using "big words" to try to win an argument and said I had no understanding of fetish or relationships.  My reply was...

It may well be true that the bulk of humanity is not aware of words or terms in their respective lexicon, nomenclature, vernacular, colloquialisms, etc., but that does not mean they are trying to "rewrite" said language and make up their own.

I don't know what a "big word" is. A small child knows the word "car", as in Mom saying..."Go get in the car, so we can see grandma". The same child may not know other words for a car such as, vehicle, automobile, conveyance, transportation etc. That expansion in knowledge and verbiage will be contingent on their education level...and effort.

I did laugh at you telling me that I don't have an "understanding" of kink or healthy relationships. That's like telling Bill Gates he has no understanding of computers.

If your "pride" is tied to dictating to a female who she should be, how she is allowed to act, whom she can engage in coitus with, what position she can do it in and other sundry examples, that's on you. I would hope that ones "pride" would be connected with more lofty and praiseworthy occupations of time and energy. If engaging in contrarian polemical interlocution frustrates you so...might I suggest not partaking in it in the first place? I mean, if one can't back up their positions without resorting to ad hominem attacks, such as you have, perhaps their opinions are tantamount to a large pile of floccinaucinihilipilification. P.S. Cuckoldry is cheating. Two different words, with the exact same meaning. :)

He returned, to curse at me once again, and basically told me it was his way...or the highway.
I replied...

The Internet is full of guys that run ads on sites where they have a laundry list of how they want to "submit" to a dominant woman. They make up terms like "Alpha-Cuck" and so on. They get no replies, they get frustrated, they attack women, the call us sluts (which is what they are actually seeking, lol) and engage in all sorts of pejorative and invective laden verbal diatribes because...the can't find a woman to go along with their version of "submission".  

These poor guys spend their lives alone, because they took their assumed male privilege, melded it with some "cuckold cartoons", then added some "cuckold porn", with the hopes of creating a confluent clusterfuckable cabal of cuckolding cunts and/or willfully wanton women with our wayward wantonly wombs (whew, had an alliteration meltdown there for a moment, lol) and will remain pissed in all perpetuity because they can't find willing participants.  

At which point he cursed at me again, and said he didn't want to talk anymore. 
I swear...I make "friends" everywhere I go.  :)

The photos and media below were just found online and not of me, or by me. :)


Whats it like to be single 30 you ask?
 Well, today I ate Doritos wrapped in deli meat. 




  1. ok....big words i needed a dicshunry for...

    engaging in contrarian polemical interlocution 



    i definately agree with the definition. my wife can see whomever she pleases while i am faithful to my wife.

    a slight nod to the man imposes his views however....our relationship in the humiliation domination area is based on consent. we talked for years teased tormented but talked about how when why what if any involvement i would have. until i agreed to her being able to see others however she was exclusive to me.

    1. Oh I agree that optimally it should be based on discussion and mutual consent, by all means. I was just pointing out from a semantically standpoint that this is not required, nor always the I was just messing with him because he was "mansplaining"... :)

  2. Hi there:

    I like your blog. But I don't agree with your argument here. (I don't necessarily agree with the other person either: He seems a bit incoherent in his arguments.)

    Dictionaries reflect old usage. Language changes all the time. Words get invented and added to the dictionary, and even syntax changes over time.
    The fact that you can look up a definition of the word "cuckold" in some dictionary doesn't mean that that's the only current meaning of the word. It might be that there a new meaning to this word, along the lines of what your conversation partner is saying: that a new meaning of cuckold is one where both partners know and agree on the sex with other partners by the woman.

    That guy seems to be using "cuckold" with that meaning, and I am certainly aware of this new meaning. The fact that an old dictionary doesn't reflect this meaning doesn't mean that that meaning is "wrong" as you seem to imply. Language changes and adapts to our usage needs. This word may well be moving towards the meaning that your conversation partner is arguing. Or maybe the word will remain ambiguous, or stay at its old meaning.

    I don't know, and I don't have any horse in this race. But using a current dictionary definition seems kind of weak to me. If you want to establish your case, you should work with a crowd sourcing platform to evaluate different current definitions of a word. Dictionaries typically represent older meanings of words.

    Anyway, just an opinion of a language processing researcher.

    1. I agree that language evolves. Sure, of course it does. But there also has to be at least, a modicum, of knowledge of its original source, intent and definitions. I mean otherwise, you and me could meet, and if I asked you if you liked my blog, you might say "Hell no" because you're now using a new definition of blog and think it means...pancakes. :)

      But at the same time dictionaries not only use "old" definitions, but current ones. I mean, I don't have a dictionary from the future that tells me what a words definition might mean in....6000 years right? :)

  3. Be nice(r) Miss Vanessa was impressed with your restraint actually. I was reading and waiting for the the brutal, artistic, assault your words can bring. But It really

    Now the issue of "using "big words" to try to win an argument" is something I would like to see discussed :)~

    1. Its true. I'm becoming a far-too-kind old softie. :)

  4. That last is the closest alot of cuckolds get to sex. Be careful what you wish for boys:)
