Sunday, April 7, 2019

Joe D. Footsniffer: Prepare to be disappointed.

 Good photos, lighting, angles...are easier to talk about, than actually do.  :) 


One of my best photos....ever!
(Giggles to self.)  :) 


  1. Vanessa,

    Disappointed??? You have to be joking??? Your feet are beautiful!!!

    I have to say how wonderful I feel because a Goddess thinks enough of this subbie, to actually share photos of her sexy feet on my behalf. That is amazing!

    I only wish I were there, to kneel before you, kiss your feet, and show you just how thankful I am for what you did. To take every one of your pretty little toes in my mouth, and to suck off every bit of sweat or dirt! To lick those valleys in between your toes, to make sure every particle of toe jam is gone! To run my tongue across the soles of your feet, to take the day's dirt off of them! What an honor, to be YOUR foot slave!!!

    FYI, the last photo, the shaky one, is probably how I would see your feet if I was there. I'd be so nervous and worried I'd disappoint you, that my whole body would be shaking. I'd massage your feet, and because my hands were shaking, it would be like I was using a vibrator on them. Just thinking about being in your presence, is making typing difficult. Thank God for spell check and the delete key!

    You have made my day! Thank you so much!

    Joe D. Footsniffer

  2. I think you need a cold shower....but glad you enjoyed my little effort. :)

  3. That last image is a work of genius Vanessa, you have three feet! :)


  4. I can't imagine this guy at the beach. He must have to tape his cock to his thigh with electrical tape. Scotch tape works fine for me :( We're both out of luck anyway. The man Vanessa is interested in has to use duct tape:)
