Friday, January 11, 2019

This Blog Post is Spam. Do Not Read It. I Forbid You to Click On...or to Read It!

You clicked on it even with my stern warning?
Damn it to Hell!  :) 

See, for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) I have to post photos with tag words for new items I the chair below which I just finished tonight. It needs a home, & will very soon find one... with a woman who wills her wantonly womanly womb to be wantonly worshiped  :)

 a past life. :)

I love this stairway and the windows. 


  1. When I see a "stern warning" I can not help but click. And I did well: I had never noticed how strange the seats you make are.

  2. I certainly wouldn't say unconventional (nor wacky freaky kooky or excentrix),
    maybe zany or quirky or weird or unusual.
    Undoubtedly unexpected and why not uncanny:-)

    1. Why stop there? :)

      Strange Synonyms
      unusual or surprising in a way that is unsettling or hard to understand.
      "children have some strange ideas"
      synonyms: unusual, odd, curious, peculiar, funny, bizarre, weird, uncanny, queer, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, untypical, different, out of the ordinary, out of the way, extraordinary, remarkable, puzzling, mystifying, mysterious, perplexing, baffling, unaccountable, inexplicable, incongruous, uncommon, irregular, singular, deviant, aberrant, freak, freakish, surreal; suspicious, dubious, questionable; eerie, unnatural; outré; unco; informalfishy, creepy, spooky; informalrum; informalbizarro
      "suddenly, I heard a strange noise"
      weird, eccentric, odd, peculiar, funny, bizarre, unusual, abnormal;
      unconventional, idiosyncratic, outlandish, offbeat, freakish, quirky, quaint, zany, off-center;
      informalwacky, way out, freaky, kooky, kinky, oddball, like nothing on earth, cranky;
      informalscrewy, off the wall, wacko, backasswards;

  3. You are right. I tried to choose between all these synonyms those who best expressed what I felt when seeing your seats, unfortunately the pleasure of writing to you may not justify the vain result of this activity.
