Friday, October 5, 2018

'Murica...We're Number Stupid. :)

                                  Locals Arrested in Stormy Raid Sue Columbus Vice Cops.  


I've never heard of a former Justice of the Supreme Court (Republican Paul Stevens) speaking out against the confirmation of a Supreme Court nominee.

I've never heard of the American Bar Association re-examining the fitness of a Supreme Court nominee after that nominee spoke to a senate committee.

I've never heard of all 69 member organizations of the National Council of Churches speaking out in unanimity against a Presidential nominee before.

I've never heard of the Jesuit order in the United States asking the President to rescind the nomination of a Jesuit graduate.

And I've never, never, never ever heard of 2,500 law professors from the finest law schools all over the country signing an open letter asking the Senate not to confirm a nominee on the basis of clear "injudicial temperament."  

(Text found online.)

Susan Collins during her 40 minute speech (40 fucking minutes) about her wimping out. And by all means....rearrange the seating chart so you have 2 other women behind you, to show "solidarity" and we'll just forget all about sexual harassment and assault. 

I'm so tied of the political theater and the stupidity from both the Dems and the GOP. Seriously, we are offered chicken or fish. It makes no difference whether the GOP or the Dems are the chicken or the fish. The point is I don't want chicken or fish....I want fucking steak. So, I'm starting my own political party. Its to be called "Pantsless Patriots"!  :) 


  1. You pretty much had me at solidarity but pantless clinches it :)

  2. I have always thought it's stupid how we keep getting screwed by both the two parties. We need a strong 3rd party. A fetish slanted political party!

  3. I tried to start my own party. The problem was we got drunk and everyone starting having sex so...the whole thing fell apart. :)

  4. What we need to do is get Vanessa to keep her pants long enough to get her elected. Awww forget it,it'll never work.
