Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Involuntary Celibacy and Prostitution. (Blue Balls Need Hookers). Serious Post.

Involuntary celibacy (Incel) is known about in the clinical sense, and in the street slang sense.
There is a marked increase in the number of violent men that claim "involuntary celibacy" as the impetus behind their rage and actions. Okay, that might be a bunch of cobblers...but if they view it as such, and are killing people, the main objective first and foremost should be to get them to...stop killing people.
I know a guy named Mike. He's in his mid 30s, and is one of the nicest and sweetest human beings alive. Mike has a hard time interacting with people in general, and especially women in particular. I'm not sure he's ever been with a woman. Mike is Hispanic, about my height (5' 5") with a heavily pockmarked face from acne scars. He wears big thick glasses, doesn't have much money, and (not at tall trying to be cruel here) has a body sort of like a frog. Short arms, longish skinny legs, and just a rounded out torso. I suspect he will go through life alone, and possible even die a virgin.
What if guys, those that are lonely or not, horny, stable and sort of on the margin of stable, had the option of safe and legal visits to prostitutes without the worry of being ostracized, mocked, laughed at, harassed by society, and arrested.
I can think of no better reason than to legalize prostitution than this. Obviously impoverished women around the world provide this service. They need the money. I have huge respect for any woman, any mother, (or male/husband/father) that does whatever that's not harming someone else....to her kids. 
Billions of people around the world have little to almost no food. They also lack, or have no potable water. They have no safety, and no security. Over here on the other side of the water and other side of the tracks, we throw a stunningly disgusting amount of food in the trash, and in many cases just let billions of gallons of water run down the street. Our carbon footprint is shameful. We create roughly 25% trash and pollution and are only 5% of the global population. We consume a disproportionate amount of food and resources, while others suffer. And we use our "religion" to try to tell other people, other nations, other cultures, what they should and should not do, and often what they can and can not do. Like what type of sex to have and with whom and whether or not it can be a commercial transaction. The arrogance and hubris of some in our nation is just stunning.
For the reasons mentioned above, plus a myriad of others....prostitution should be legal.