Saturday, March 17, 2018

Jimmy Carter on Gays.





  1. I noticed that you haven't posted much about Trump lobbing bombs at Syria. Obvious violation of USA's constitution as well as international law. Maybe your outrage at Trump should be based on things that actually matter.

    BTW, Obama dropped approximately 29,000 bombs on Iraq/Syria during his last YEAR in office. I'm just wondering, does mass murder bother you? Or do you simply post about crass words from those YOU don't appreciate (Trump)?

    1. What I'm wondering about is the state of your mental health. You scour for posts that have anything negative about Trump or other failed GOP and then comment on those only?

      Maybe everything Trump does "matters". Maybe its challenging in Syria considering that crisis has gone on for years, and was a result of Bush invading Iraq, creating a power vacuum, allowing for the fomentation of ISIS and others of their ilk.

      Yes, I am bothered by bombs dropping on innocent people. From the ones that Trump drops, to the ones that Obama dropped, (something I was against and wrote about extensively) to the USA dropping nukes on Japan. I am against *all* bombing with the exception of self defense...and the last time that happened was Pearl Harbor.

      I think it would be best if you'd try to educate yourself and move beyond your little two party system identification. I'm an Independent and have no allegiance to either party. Having said that....largely Obama was awesome and Trump and Bush suck. Fuck anyone that voted for them, because you suck too. :)
