Thursday, February 15, 2018

Guns. School Shootings. GOP Politicians.

I own guns and I also support sensible laws and restrictions.
GOP politicians on this topic...
Are absolutely fucking worthless.


  1. I agree, Ms Chaland. I don't own a gun, but I recognize why people might want to have them. While other countries appear to be doing better, I don't see Americans giving them up. What we need is just what you say, sensible laws and restrictions, maybe similar to how the government regulates motor vehicles but with stronger background checking. No more nonsense allowing weapons that can kill dozens of innocent people, including children, in an instant. Most Americans want this, but the GOP is beholden to special interests and their ranting base who oppose any gun control. They use the intellectually bankrupt argument that guns will still be obtained illegally. And guns don't kill people, people do? Greed, cowardice and stupidity kill people, as do empty thoughts and prayers.

    1. Its hard for me to see any reason why someone would want to own a machine gun. Sport shooting and hunting I can see, but no one uses a machine gun for quail hunting. :)

  2. Imagine if you would that this murderous cretin pulled the fire alarm and waited till the children were all outside then mowed them down with a rental truck....the loss of life would be horrendous but I doubt people would be asking to ban trucks!
    This very thing happened in NYC not that long ago and I bet pretty much anyone could still rent a truck!
    My wife and I own guns, including a dreaded AR-15 semi-automatic which we both enjoy using for target shooting and she has used for hunting small game with the local hunt club....I'm a little squeamish about the hunting thing but she enjoys it....
    So while this vile scum was using his AR-15 to kill ours was sitting safely in our gun safe not hurting anyone,,,,in fact I'll be cleaning it tomorrow in case she wants to go to the range over the weekend...
    We own several handguns too and they've never committed any crimes either...
    Guns are inanimate tools that on their own have never hurt anyone....instead of looking at the gun we should be looking at the person who owns it or wants to own it...
    And I don't want to be impertinent to you Ms. Vanessa but it's been illegal for anyone to own a machine gun, or a fully automatic weapon for decades...
    In the end I believe that at least part of the blame for this lies in the 24 hour news cycle where these vermin can find the fame or infamy that will give meaning to their otherwise worthless lives!!!
    Alright I'm climbing down off of my soapbox now and I'm ready for my spanking now!!!

    1. I use the term "machine gun" in broad strokes. Meaning the sort of weapon that can fire like one bullet a second, huge clips, or be modified, the "bump stock" (whatever that is) and so forth. :)

  3. Trucks are critical to life and livelihood, as are cars, which kill thousands. We accept the risk and regulate for safety as best we can. It's nice that semi-automatic weapons serve as recreation for some people, but are they worth the danger when in the wrong hands? That's a valid debate that America must have.

    1. My point, in part at least, is the GOP cuts funding for mental health, education, background checks, resists the "Smart" gun technology, wants to keep these sorts of weapons legal, has a failed judicial program....but wants to send "Thoughts and Prayers". If they're not willing to do *anything*...shut the fuck up. Just make an effort towards something positive that might help. :)
