Friday, December 1, 2017

Spanking and the Clapper?

 If you were to hook up all your blinking twinkling Christmas lights, & then connected them through The Clapper while administering a spanking, it would be sort of like an electric light show right? :) 


  1. You should propose this excellent idea to a store for its christmas window.

    1. Not a bad idea...just need a volunteer recipient. :)

  2. Having owned a clapper for several years (before it randomly quit working), I can in fact attest that it will respond to spanking :)

    1. I should have figured that some other perverted person would have already thought of it. Well done! :)

  3. Volunteer recipient !?! Finding a volunteer is not the problem it's finding a venue large enough to line them up :)

    1. You overestimate my skills and hold me in too high an esteem. But thanks. :)

  4. Now you did it!!! You made my day.

    As a teen and into puberty I was into spanking girls/women, but never did because I thought "hitting" women was something so perverted it was worthy of a deep, dark prison cell and for a long time.

    Fast forward to my 20's and I'm in love with this girl She TRICKED me into spanking her - with a clapper!! No kidding! She really did and it worked (you need a good pace though.) And she got turned on by the spanking more than I did spanking her. HUGE orgasm!!

    Later I asked her, since you enjoyed it, why the trickery? Her answer: SHE thought I would think SHE was a pervert, and wouldn't ever want to see her again.

    Two ships in the night.

    And thus began a wonderful relationship.

    About two months later she announced: "Your turn! Over my knee!" And over I went for my first....!
