I gather some people are a wee-tad-bit-mite nervous about some....goings-on, here in the good old USA. There seems to be some turmoil, some rancor, an attitude or two floating around. This is of course melded with a plethora of Cable News talking head pundits doing some...talking and punditry.
Keep in mind they get paid to dial it up a notch, its how they make a living. Selling copy, getting clicks, ad buys, they want and need people to cling to their every word...because they got bills to pays to pay. Ergo...that's why I don't watch Cable News and actually pretty much never watch TV...at all.
When I want to know what's going on, I read. You remember reading? Articles, journals, periodicals, actual news stories. Some people think its the same either way. Its not. When I often hear someone spew and/or spout something incredibly misinformed...or just downright stupid within the political realm (or geographical, historical, scientific, anthropologic, architectural, medical etc.) they say "I watch the News"....as opposed to "I read about what's happening in our world via the News". Watching means an ignorant airheaded, bleached blonde bimbo with massive amounts of makeup and Botox...and that's just the men! The women*really* lay it on, lol.
So, my take on this to assuage any fears, to tamp down the rhetoric, the drama, the hype, the "Breaking News!!!" headlines over...virtually nothing usually is the following....
We, the USA, have survived a Revolution, generic Velveeta cheese in a can, a Civil War, multiple other wars which many of you are *very* familiar with. A depression, recessions, Civil Rights movement, suffrage, MTV VJ's, natural disasters, the Dems, the GOP, Disco pants, the Dust Bowl, New Coke, and a plethora of stupid ideas, like Televangelists fashion sense....so I remain optimistic that two born rich children in semi-men's bodies aren't going to drag us down or blow us up with some Nukes. I take a certain amount of confidence in assuming that neither of them could even push "The Button" with their short fingered pudgy little hands.
Beyond 3 or 4 international fascists, the odd dictator, a few lunatic fundamentalists, our very own corrupt Big Bank and Big Pharma...the rest of the world is rooting for us and eventually the people that supported these buffoons will come to their senses. While obviously anything *could* happen, I mean Holy Hell, the Bay of Pigs almost became a nuke war...before I was even born. Cooler heads and common sense prevailed It happened then, and many other times in other ways, and we're still here, so I think things will ultimately be just fine. I fully endorse this message...
And I'm not wearing any pants. :)
Vanessa, Pretty much anything you say while not wearing pants is gospel to me!
"Gospel" Really? I hear those Televangelists make a good living....formulating plans here, lol. :)
DeleteI'm more than fine trying to read your posts whilst being very pleasantly distracted by the photos!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely noticed you were not wearing pants...also managed to notice you were in heels (in some pics). Looking hot and fabulous!
Thank you for the compliments. There will be test on the written portion of the post....just to see if you were paying attention :)
DeleteThat is pretty much what Obama and Bush said yesterday and I agree with you and them.
ReplyDeleteHowever, you don't hear many GOP leaders saying that. Maybe after they give away more our money to their doners via their tax cut and their boy signs it, they will get rid of that cancer (ie Trump) on American society. But I doubt it. They have plenty more bad ideas to unleash on America and they need their boy to sign them.
That is not cable news that is fact, scientific, economic, moral, rational fact. Until his supporters start believing in fact not fiction ie religion nothing will change.
Being ignorant is not a virtue.
Vanessa I wouldn't blame you for not publishing this (too divisive) but it is true. Their is no moral equivalency between the right and left in America today.
Not publish your post? Balderdash I say!! I don't give a flying rats butt or one whit about pissing off anyone that supports a Nazi, racist, homophobic, misogynistic movement. I already get hate mail from them. People saying they won't follow my blog, or buy my books or things I make because of this stance. Good! Go fuck yourselves! I'm not concerned with less traffic, or being popular, or making less money when it comes to people that want to lynch black people, murder gays, or fire up ovens for Jews. This aspect of them, and Trump, is so nasty and ugly. I don't want them reading what I write, I'd block them if I could, I don't want their money...Fuck them, Fuck them, Fuck them!! You either strand for something in this world or you don't. I intend to stand for what's right and let the chips fall where they may because of it. Now then, speaking of chips....I'm felling peckish so...snack time, lol. Write anything you want WC. :)
DeleteWC here
ReplyDeleteOk then. Couldn't have said it better Vanesa!
You go girl.
I say if your not outraged you aren't paying attention.
Thats one reason I read your blog every day:)
Of course the other reason is the stories:)
"Stories"? You mean my incoherent babbling ramblings, lol. Not sure why anyone reads that tripe. :)
DeleteWC here
Well like men before me I have to admit I do look at the pictures:)
To funny.
RIP Hugh Hefner
@WC: Oddly enough, Hugh Heffner who was so controversial years ago, is now seen as a rather tame person by comparison. All the gloom and doom predictions from the moralists and alarmist over "naked bodies" never came to pass. And his magazine was once widely regarded as having some of the best interviews for literature, arts, culture and social issues.