Wednesday, September 20, 2017

"Curvy" - Muscle - Body Types.

"Curvy" is subjective. There is no body type known exclusively as "curvy". Somatotyping provides for endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph. Our feminine "curves" are provided by adipose (fat) and without it....first off we'd all die, secondly there would be no "tits and ass". 

So we all have and need a certain level of "fat" (adipose) to not only survive but to look womanly. There is a small percent of women and men that have a predisposed genetic condition towards being heavier than "average". The primary reason for the increase in body mass index in the western world the last few decades is junk food and less manual labor...ergo less caloric expenditure. But at the same time, the health standards are a joke. I mean some of their "data" is just stupid. A random search provided the chart below...and lets just say its a tad outdated.

People are taller than when this "scientific data" was produced, and we tend to grow taller with every couple generations. That coupled with some better nutrition (assuming we choose it) means bigger, thicker, heavier, stouter boners. Ugh...sorry, I meant *bones* not boners, lol.

And it has to be pointed out that usually these charts come from insurance companies who don't really want to pay out a single dime if they can help it. So from the standpoint of a cardiologist, weighing next to nothing, means its easier on your heart, ergo you'll likely live longer. This of course does not take into account muscle mass. I mean it does, from their perspective it makes no difference if its muscle or fat. Weight is weight. So using my husband for example, who is a bit over 6 foot, weights about 229 or so, powerlifts, weight lifts, martial arts, works out in so many ways, he has more lean muscle mass than average. According to the suggested guidelines set by the medical and insurance industry? According to them....he's grossly obese.  :)

For us, its harder then it is for guys. Social media is increasingly full of articles on body type, fashion, sizing, airplane seats, stereotyping, attitudes, whining, accusations of insensitivity, political correctness debates over comments, choice of words, verbiage selected, versus free speech...its brutal out there. And some guys especially can be cruel with their words.

But blaming the media and misogyny for self esteem issues is self defeating. If people are happy with their body type, more power to you, rock on, live your life and love every minute of it. If people are not happy with their body type, change it. But everyone should know that love of self, self esteem, finding happiness and solace in the world should not be determined by a scale or a mirror. Ever. 
Especially based on 60 year old standards.  :)

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