Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Random Stupidity. :)

Just wondering...have I told you to suck my balls yet today?
Alrighty then... :)

Just curious, if anyone ever tried out the website Locanto? From what I gather, it's sort of a Craigslist, where anything from clothes, cars to dates can be advertized. So, I'm think of running an ad for lovers, but am wondering if it's worth the effort.  

The Jetsons Flying Car...Has Arrived.  :) 

Jetson ONE - Take Off in Tuscany

Found online snark, based on a models covershoot:  :) 
Until they feature a non-binary, plus-sized Chinese leprechaun with red hair and webbed feet who identifies as a yak, I'll remain unimpressed. Non-binary plus-sized Chinese leprechauns with red hair and webbed feet who identify as a yak matter.

In the category of learning something new every day, I just came across a whole section of the fetish world known as "Black domestic discipline", which I never even knew existed. Anyone curious, Google the term for links to websites, YouTube videos etc


I'm all for interracial breeding, but I draw the line at interspecies copulation!  :) 

That’s the conclusion of a British employment tribunal who ruled that using the word could be “inherently related to sex” and amount to a form of discrimination.

No, no it isn't you fucking idiots. Something "inherently related to sex" is not the same as sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is innuendo, not giving a raise without a blowjob, pressuring for a date and examples like that. Besides, this is saying a woman with a bald head (due to choice or disease) does not only men can? Morons... :)

Why would anyone be surprised? This religious fruitcake has for years persecuted gay adults...his stupid ass probably assumes "trans" automatically equates "gay" as well.  :) 

Yep, I have thin, fine brown hair. 
My husband has full, lush, wavy, thick blond hair.
This planet is not fucking fair.  :) 

Those Pjs, are getting more action than I am.  :) 

Some people complain that strippers are "cold" and sort of "plastic"...
This is not going to be an improvement.  :) 


I make and sell long ones...

I make and sell shorter ones...

I also got perverted mannequins...which are not for sale.
I'm not a pimp damnit!    :)

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Weekend (Sheesh) Update. :)

This post sponsored by Ganja & related inhalable, flammable, intoxicating substances. :) 

Rush - A Passage To Bangkok (with Lyrics)

Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin.
All education, rationality and class. 

Insane Republican female politicians in the USA.  :)

Republicans...the self titled party of "small government".  :)

On a serious note, abortion is currently still legal in the USA. The laws regulating it already varied from state to state, but nothing has changed yet. I see posts from people online that indicate they think the SCOTUS leak means all abortion is off the table, right now, in all states, in perpetuity...which is not correct. People also need to keep in mind it's just a draft at this point. It is possible that the sane members of SCOTUS might make it so nothing changes. And it's likely that states that do allow it, will enact legislation to keep it legal, as the SCOTUS determination, if it passes, only means it's a states rights issue, and not something federally protected. Plus Congress can/might pass a law allowing it, circumventing anything SCOTUS does, or can do. There are a myriad of things that could seems like so many people have a defeatist attitude and have accepted it as a foregone conclusion.

Just to reiterate, one or two members of SCOTUS might change their votes. As for the states, some might allow it, some will not, but some that claim they will not, might have a change of heart. It's one thing for the pompous jackasses to spew talking points and soundbites when it is law, to appeal to their voters, it's quite another thing when it comes down to the state level, and wives, daughters, mothers and sisters are putting pressure on the mostly old white guys that run the majority of state legislatures. We have a couple months to make our voices heard, and then about a half a year to make our voices heard again, meaning prior to and during the midterm elections where control of congress usually switches sides. Giving in, giving up, is defeatism, people should not do that. 

The archaic, near antediluvian flawed legal concept that fundamentalist Christian fruitcake Alito is using, could mean a reversal on gay rights and gay marriage, interracial sex, sodomy laws and many other examples. This is where the hope is over the next couple of months, one or more of the other conservative judges will see the potential negatives and unconstitutionality of it, across the board, and realize it could mean endless chaos, crime, civil strife and even civil war, and it means SCOTUS would become irrelevant. Polls show 60% to 75% of Americans support choice. Having a few theocrats wanna-be's on the Supreme Court create a new legal framework which could undo nearly 250 years of civil rights, and 50 years of womens choice, is not going to work, the US is not Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.

There are already news articles and bills being proposed to cut Plan B, and even birth control. People, often in the gay community, sort of mock heterosexuals with the term "breeders", but for the truly insane religious nutcases that espouse the "breeder" concept, that means they want to "breed", as in reproduce, as in fecundity, you know, philoprogenitive results of coitus, so they prefer neither condoms nor abortions, and these crazy fucks think the bible tells them this should be law. Don't believe me? Just ask the Vatican.  :)

Just a few "unrelated" images to the above post...
Hardcore religious fundamentalist Christians. 
Hardcore religious fundamentalist Muslims.


I'd never make it as a Professional Dominatrix...

It's a wardrobe thing... :) 

In the off chance someone doesn't get the following meme...
"Fat-bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round."  ~ Queen

Off topic question, how often do you wash and wax your car?
Mine's looking a little...rough around the edges.  :) 


18 year old Mike Tyson's 20 inch neck. 

We now interrupt this blog post to insert a photo of a very happy and pleasant frog.  :)

Gucci's $490 swimsuit that is not suitable for swimming.

We now pause for a word from "The Killers" about..."Runaways".  :)

From their article: In case you're looking for a design that's a little more specific than what's offered, companies like Fetish Furniture Factory will also offer you the "design and building instructions" so that you can customize your chair with all the kink you desire.

"Face sitting can be wonderful but muscle fatigue, leg cramps, backaches and reduced circulation can often mean you don't fully relax and enjoy the experience. If you won't be fully satisfied....what's the point? You should be lounging in comfort ... while receiving oral service." ~ Vanessa Chaland 

You know what's odd...I don't even really remember making this particular Queening chair. 
I guess that happens when you've made 1000s.  :)

And now...a nonsensical incoherent Trump Ramble. Keep in mind...74,222,958 confused souls voted for this buffoonish cowardly, traitorous, whiny little bitch.  :) 

Trump said: “And once and for all, Joe Biden should put the question to rest — I don’t think we really need to know the answer because we already do — by taking a cognitive test and releasing the results for the entire world to see. Just like I did.” “I did it! I got tired of these fake stories from these fake reporters. Then I took the test. And Ronnie Jackson, Doc Ronnie, right? He’s Doc Ronnie, he’s Admiral Ronnie, and he’s now Congressman Ronnie from Texas. He’s a great man. And he was the doctor of Bush and Obama, younger Bush, who got us into the Middle East. He did a great job, didn’t he? One of the worst presidents in our history, whether you like him or not, whether you like a Republican or not. He got us into the Middle East. He should be ashamed of himself for what he did. And he never got us out. And neither did Obama get us out. But I got you out. With the support of all of these patriots, and he should take the test. And by the way, everybody running for president should be forced to take this test. You see that now,” said Trump. “And I started by saying our country’s at the most dangerous point in history. That’s so true. And we have people, some of them maybe don’t care? Others don’t get it. They’re not into the world of deals or psychology or dealing with other people. But this is the most dangerous. And, you know, now they’re all bragging about what they did. Let Ukraine take the credit. But you gotta get out. They gotta make a deal. Gotta make a deal. Russia’s gonna make a deal. They would make a deal. Ukraine should make a deal. There’s not a lot left, though. You know, the, the time to do it was at the beginning before it started. It would have never happened. Even if they didn’t make a deal, it would have never happened. I spoke to Putin about it a lot, and I told him what would happen if it did. And he understood that. And we never had, you know, a lot of people they say, actually a lot of the radical left say, we agree that if Trump were president that would not have happened. That’s just such a horrible thing. But they knew that it was not something that was going to. And the fact is, for four years, it didn’t happen. So never even thought about – nor did Taiwan happen with President Xi of China. That didn’t happen. With the support of all the patriots here tonight, we saved our country once and together we will save our country again”. 


Pennsylvania will be holding primaries for governor and senator, but The Philadelphia Inquirer won’t be endorsing Republicans this year because the paper says none are “operating in the same reality.”

Meanwhile on Facebook...



Texas...this weekend. 


North Korea at night.
Notice, both North Korea and Texas...are run by dumbfucks. 


If straight guys doing gay porn for money is called "Gay for Pay"...
Woudn't an actress doing the same thing be called a "Thespian Lesbian"?  :)

I hope you appreciate and enjoy my posts. I feel a decently written post should include snark, sarcasm, proper eloquence, backed up with substance, attitude, expletives, and either nudity or Disco pants. And now, back to my...Ganja & related inhalable, flammable, intoxicating substances. The End.  :)