Thursday, January 14, 2021

Stop Drinking the Coup-L-Aid (Kool-Aid).

 "Mexicans" and other immigrants, are *not* taking jobs. Automation is. Yea yea, sure, immigrants coming to the USA have always taken low level jobs, the sort of jobs that no one else wants. We all know that. Impoverished immigrants have done the same thing when they migrate to another country, and have, since the dawn of time. 

What I mean is now currently, the last 5 years, the last 15 or 25 years, increasingly jobs that human beings did are being replaced by machines, robots, computers and other forms of automation. Soon, most doctors will be replaced by AI computers. Patient information will  be uploaded into a computer and diagnoses will be printed out. This removes the potential stereotyping, bias and preconceived notions a doctor might have, and will isolate *only* on factual information. And soon most surgeries will be performed by a robot as well. Think of those precision robots that don't have bad eyesight, a hangover, they have no stress and are not distracted by their own personal issues and faults the way human beings are. 

Beyond the two examples of machines doing what humans used to shown below, there are now machines that lay bricks, build homes, and cars, planes and trains that can drive and fly themselves. The Japanese (and others) are using robots as waiters and waitresses. Red light traffic cameras and speed vans with cameras will catch violators, and less police will be hired. Farmers and those in various agricultural professions are using tractors and machinery that replace workers on a level never seen. Its sort of like how they used to have secretarial typing pools, and people sent things out to be printed at Kinkos, business cards and flyers from print shops, now we do that from home. With 3-D printers, people can and will make their own little gadgets, doohickeys and thingamabobs at home, including guns. I could go on and on, but I trust you see my point. If people want to be cranky and pissed off about the loss of jobs, I get that, and don't blame them, but its the rich white guy that sent everything overseas the last few decades that is responsible, and who is now getting everything done with robots that is to blame...not some $7.25 an hour Mexican.  




Stop confusing actual news, facts, science, geography and history with some nonsense that you read about from your 2nd cousins uncles brother-in-law who got his "information" from a meme on Facebook. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can make a meme. Witness the meme below...which purports to be Hans Christian Andersen and his wife Pamela in Copenhagen, circa 1873. Newsflash...its not real. 

This is what Trump and his cabal of seditionist terrorists caused. The National Guardsmen and women now have to leave their homes, leave their jobs, travel across the country, sleep on the floor, no showers, scrambling for food, no blankets, no pillows, away from their wives, husbands, kids, pets, totally upsetting their lives, no real ability for social distancing, increasing, dramatically and exponentially increasing, the likelihood of their getting Covid-19, being sick, possibly dying, taking the virus back home to their families and infecting them...for what? All for what? Lies from Trump, Fox News, the rightwing lunatic media over what was one of the cleanest elections in the history of the USA and the world, as was confirmed by multiple well respected groups both nationally and internationally. 



I'd like to hope things will improve...lest I turn into a "Karen".  :) 

A doctor in Yemen wrote on his car “Stop me if you need any medical consultation”.


Spot on nailed it Dude. :)


Sweet Mother of God! 
What the fuck is going on here?  :)


   Overtly Ovulating Ovary Ovation Over Oral Opus. 
In other words, his deep voice, is making the horny bitches...hornier. :)

Sunset Walk.


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Our World...Good, Bad, Ugly. :)

A mother cheetah protecting her babies while they rehydrate.


Ancient Roman Road, West Sussex, UK. 

This was not a spontaneous, peaceful protest.



Photo of trans women from the 1950's.


Millions of years captured in one photo...

New River Gorge National Park, West Virginia. 


Novokuznetsk Siberia. 

Platforms Trump has been banned from...thus far.


Solar panels are being integrated into canals in India giving them "Solar canals". This helps with evaporative loss, it doesn't use up extra land, and it keeps solar panels cooler.


The veiled virgin is a sculpture that has a veil that appears transparent. 
Sculpted by Giovanni Strazza.


The view from the top of the world, Mount Everest.