Thursday, January 30, 2020

Age Verification Companies Seek Millions Over Abandoned UK Porn Block.

Tough titties I say.  
You got cock blocked, on your cock blocking censorship software. :)


There was an attempt to clamp a car...




Wearing a shape shifting balloon is the new fashion trend of 2020.
Or maybe its a big giant fucking condom.  :)


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Real Men, Cuckolds & Resume Fluffing. :)


I was on a forum recently (where I endlessly get into trouble, lol). 
The ad said:

22[M4M] Let me help you become the cuck you've always been.

(Side note, let me point out the ad has nothing to do with cuckoldry but is simply a latent homosexual who wants to get all Domly with some sub boy to get his dick sucked.)

One reply from a male was: 

What was your Master's degree major? How much do you make a year? How much do you deadlift? Is your credit score above 700? Answer these. If any one of them is not equivalent or more to me, then the answer is no.

Me, being a smartass (imagine that) wrote the following: 

I have a 9th grade education. I make about $1.97 per year. I can deadlift at least 87.2 pounds. My credit score is -23. Did I win? Just curious...because it's the 1st time I've ever "entered" such a pathetic dick swinging, pissing contest. :) 


Anyway, this made me start contemplating...what a "man" is.  

Abraham Lincoln had a 2nd grade education (some say 4th, but whatever) and was an apprentice who studied law. Like most people from that era, he did not attend college. College is something that has been pushed on society, while apprenticeships have largely disappeared. So, we now have a nation where young people are brainwashed into attending college, going a $100k in dept, graduating and....working as a coffee barista because it pays more than many jobs one can find *with* a degree. Many degrees have been devalued, meaning what one used to learn from On-The-Job-Training, being an apprentice, now requires a piece of paper. Anyone can get one. And as we know, rich people get them for their kids for a donation to the college, or bribery (Hello, Aunt Becky and Donald Trump.) A military medic with a plethora of actual experience is worth more (to me) in a life or death situation, then a doctor with a bunch of "Merit Badges" (medical degrees) hanging behind his/her head over their office swivel chair, who has no practical experience in anything other than writing out referrals and prescriptions for whatever the overpriced drug of the day is being pushed by Big Pharma and Wall Street. 

Pretty much daily, in my normal life, I am stunned, shocked and appalled by how dimwitted most people the business and professional world. I don't mean so called average wage earners, I mean doctors, judges, lawyers and so on where I have to dumb down my verbiage and go borderline monosyllabic, just so they can keep up, talking to them about *their* profession, and the realization that most managed to get their degree via rote memorization, allowing them to pass tests, yet have a severe critical thinking deficit. 

Many of the worlds most successful people didn't attend college, or dropped out. Entrepreneurs, creative people, inventors, musicians, athletes, authors, the list is long. In many cases a degree means someone else decided the recipient is "qualified" to do something....that someone else without a degree has been doing for years, and often made a fortune at.


Second point: Income. 
Its not how much you make that matters, its how much you keep. Someone making $50k a year, that spends and invests wisely, often ends up far better off a few years later than someone that makes $500k a year, or 5 million a year. Bankruptcy courts are full of millionaires and billionaires that went bankrupt. Many of them were born filthy rich, never worked a day in their life, file for bankruptcy numerous times, even as many as 6 times, such as Donald Trump. :)

Third point: Dead-lifting.
Its great that people work out, no matter what their age or lifestyle is, nor their limitations. But as far as "bragging strength"...wisen up. Where I'm from, rural area, the hills, mountains, guys that spend their days lifting transmissions, picking up and throwing down 700# steers about to be branded, ranchers, farmers, mechanics, manual laborers, loggers, construction workers would laugh at the itty-bitty amounts of weight the average gym-rat can "dead-lift". They lift more in a few moments before the sun is up, and do it all day, then most guys can do for a few reps-sets in some gym. Especially, those gyms where the guys are wearing their...two miles of knee wraps, got their pungent wheat-seaweed-protein powder, their cute little lifting gloves.  

Fourth point: Credit score.
Once again, Americans have been brainwashed into thinking a high "credit score" means wealth. It does not. It 100% does not. Your credit score is based on how much money you've borrowed, or can borrow. If one is wealthy, they conceivably could not have a "credit score". What I mean is, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates don't need a high credit score. Beyond they fact that could buy their own banks, they could use purchase orders to pay for things, or write checks. If you don't borrow money, don't use credit cards, don't pay installments, don't pay interest on loans, you don't have "good credit". You have nonexistent credit. Jeff, Warren and Bill are not trying to get frequent flyer miles, or trying to increase their "credit" standing when flying...they just buy their own Lear jets. And mansions. And a fleet of luxury cars. They pay cash...if they want to. Same thing with tax refunds. I always see people acting like their tax refund is a "gift" from the IRS. Its not. It simply means you overpaid the IRS throughout the year and the government used *your* money...interest free. You want to arrange it so you pay an accurate amount over the year so you don't get bitch-slapped with a large tax bill, nor receive a refund.  

The above observations should be obvious, yet all kinds of people with Masters Degrees, that can deadlift a few hundred pounds, that have a high "credit score"....don't seem to know this.  

But none of the above is what "makes a man". Its not about physical strength, or a college degree, or material wealth. Its about honor, honesty, integrity, passion, a sense of duty, altruism, benevolence, patience, dignity, knowing right from wrong, sticking up for those without a voice, advocating for those that are disadvantaged, those that were dealt a raw deal by life. I, and none of my girlfriends would date, marry or fuck some guy like the wanker above. Ever. I would suggest that shallow, vapid guys like him cling to the current wife/girlfriend they have now, and be grateful, as most women would not desire being with someone like that. His next "girlfriend" will probably be a blow up doll...but if he buys it with his credit will increase his "credit score".  :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Humanity & mammals...doing their "thing". :)


Any increase in reading and library usage is encouraging. I despair, what is so often apparent, the stupidity of my fellow Americans. I'm not talking about people that are born with any sort of mental or intellectual disadvantage, but simply those that willfully remain (proudly) ignorant. 


(Found online.)
A young lady flying alone was displaying some anxiety and a bit of fear. So, the slightly elderly lady to her left, having never met her before, silently grasped and held her hand to help reassure her. 




A guy called Jon reorganized some stones on the beach.

Sea Stones. 


This pissed off bear was being transported from one location to another. Upon release, it decided to vent its frustration on a camera. Fortunately, the camera was not being held by a human being. 


Mini-Cujo.  :) 


What could go wrong if someone doesn't want for the green light?
Disaster...and a lot of money for repairs. 


Saturday, January 25, 2020

Shakira's Ass and Random Stuff. :)

 Wish I could dance like Shakira. Because..."Hips Don't Lie". Of course, it helps that she started dancing as a little girl, learning from her mother, plus she has fantastic genetics.   :)


Mama bear making sure all 3 cubs are safe and accounted for. :)



Old School Fashion...from not that long ago.  :) 


Bernie Off The Top Rope...


Koala feeding time for refugees from Kangaroo Island, Australia.

The Appennine Colossus, Florence, Italy.

BDSM Furniture - Queening Chair - Face Sitting - Dungeon FemDom Sex Toys.