Monday, February 18, 2019

My Presidents Day Speech....but in Written Form . :)

Sailor George Mendonsa, the man photographed kissing a woman in Times Square in celebration of the end of World War II, passed away on Sunday at the age of 95. The photos of Mendonsa and Greta Zimmer Friedman were taken in New York City on August 14, 1945.

What an amazing long life this gentleman had. Imagine all he saw and did in his 95 years of life. From WW2 through our modern era. The transformation of our country, society and the world at large, the advances in medicine and must have been stunning to have been able to see it all, and live in the midst of it. 


I'm not an expert on swat teams & policing, but I see a problem with the following photo which is from the recent shooing in Chicago where 6 cops got shot/injured, plus 6 others died. See, I think they need to be lean and mean & have stealth & mobility & all that. Beyond the fact that this one guy has double chins on top of his double chins, they are carrying what appears to be a good 80 pounds of equipment, & are dressed in some sort of uniform which does not blend in with the city.   

In other words, they are giant slow moving green targets. Now I get that boys will be boys and like to play Army man, but this is actually detrimental to the safety of the officers, plus, if they get wounded or worse, they are not able to protect members of society, which they are paid to protect. I mean if a long drawn out hostage situation unfolds, they can fly some ham and cheese sandwiches in from a  drone. They don't have to have MRE's and canteens and 9000 rounds  of ammo and flashlights with bulky gloves plus God knows what else. And the camouflage makes them stand out alarmingly. They might as well, from a incognito-blending-in-standpoint, be wearing pink speedos with a bulls-eye on their chest with a neon light point directly to it. Seriously, I'm not making light of this. I don't want anyone getting shot, cops or citizens about some common sense here. We need a couple of Ninja type cops with guns and Kevlar, not out of shape guys wearing leftover military gear from a war in Fallujah. 


 Meanwhile on the Mexico/USA border...with Trump declaring a National Emergency, right after shutting down the government for 35 days, and 2 plus years of his haranguing, bellowing, frothing at the mouth and blathering about caravans, murderers, violence, immigrants, diseases, plus untold 100's of millions of dollars spent in court battles and deploying troops over his made up bigoted "crisis"....some American guy is fishing in the Rio Grande River. Quietly, calmly, serenely, 

If somebody called Fox News and Trumpie to report this...they/he'd freak the fuck out and call in a drone strike or something. Because , you proves there is no crisis. 


Fancy a fast fuck by the forest?  :) 


For those people that need specific instructions. In other my saying "people" I really mean..."men".  :) 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Institute of Sexology Exhibition...In Pictures.


Erotic Sandstone Sculpture of a Couple - Origin: India (Orissa) Circa: 13th Century AD


Just for clarification purposes...I didn't *wave* at him, I just nodded in his direction.  
The rest is accurate.   :)