Saturday, June 9, 2018

I've been trying to join the Hells Angels Motorcycle gang...

..but they won't let me in.
Not sure what the hell their problem is.  :)

The Unstately State of our Stated Nonunionized Union...Clusterfucking Covfefe. :)

Legalize prostitution so these poor women can afford to pay for their overpriced degrees.
Women college graduates hold nearly two-thirds of the U.S.'s $1.5 trillion outstanding student debt, according to analysis of statistics from the Department of Education.


Our Beautiful World.

Taken by a friend with a cell phone camera.
A tiger mother carrying her tiny 6-week-old cub in her powerful jaws in Rajasthan.
Black bear and her cub at sunset.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park


Friday, June 8, 2018

Aphrodite slaps Pan.

Yes, that really is Aphrodite poised to slap a Pan with her sandal.
Athens Archaeological Museum.

Adult Entertainment Industry Puts Rudy Giuliani On Blast Over Stormy Daniels Comments.


 Fox News "Reality".  :)

For Reals: Facebook Wants Your Private Porn for Its Database.


Georgia official takes oath of office on Malcolm X autobiography instead of bible.

We got Trumps Nazis and his KKK followers, soon to be meeting Black Power activists in the corridors of power...and out on the streets.
I really do wish all the extremists from both sides would just fuck the fuck right off.
Democracy is the meeting of a consensus of rational people who swallow their issues (like a failing fluffer swallows on a 2-for-1 extra busy night at a glory hole) and egos working for the common good of all. We need less radical people...not more. We need common sense grown up adults who are pushing an agenda that is beyond only their means and paycheck. You know, with some sort of real moral basis (not a hoakey religious version) with principals, advocating for a level of altruism and the future of our world and humankind. What we're moving towards, is the "popularity show" where people think voting is like texting in their favorite "Reality Show" or "Dancing with the Stars" contestant...and not realizing this is serious stuff.

Kinky Sex Could Be the Secret to Your Success.

Stop snickering, chortling, guffawing and laughing damn it!
I'm fucking delightful, lol.  :)

Dastardly Demented Damn DNC Democrats....

Are once again acting stupid and really pissing me off. In an obvious effort at retaliation towards Bernie Sanders (contrary to what they say) and to thwart others from doing same...they come up with this childish "pledge" (no secret handshake or code word?).
What they failed to learn last time shove a candidate in front of us that we don't like and we're not voting for that person. This notion that we are all blind sheep, either left or right, GOP or Dem, is ludicrous. I'm an Independent and I'll vote however I see fit. Obviously since the GOP has gone totally off the fucking rails bat guano insanely crazy I'm not supporting their matter how many they "rescue" from the local pool of preschool dropouts (Trump, Bush, Palin etc.).
The disgusting thing is...this is not about party nor country, its not about people nor issues, its about some pathetic wankers that run the DNC who are worried about retaining their power, control and...salaries. This sort of egotistical power grab may ensure another four years of our having to hire extra staff to change Trumps diapers after his two scoops of ice cream and before his 'big boy" nap. You'd think after all the Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile scandals, Tom Perez would be bright enough to figure things out. "Progressives" will be fleeing the party as fast as Republicans fled their party in California as in... more registered Independents than Republicans.
Fuck both parties.
Just fuck them.
No really, I mean...Fuck 'em.  :)
Summit with Toddler Trump.


Gay politician gives same-sex kiss in US campaign ad first.

Democratic Maryland gubernatorial candidate Rich Madaleno launched an ad that targeted Trump's policies and ends with him kissing his spouse. His campaign aired the ad during a Fox & Friends commercial break.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Spanish government swears in historic female-dominated cabinet.

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's female-dominated Socialist government was sworn in on Thursday, with a record number of 11 women and six men in cabinet posts.
Let the crotch grabbing and ball busting sexual harassment...commence.  :)

Alt-Mansplainers Gag. :)

Rescue workers helped carry a dog when he got exhausted hiking.

Today on the Maxwell Falls trail a 5 1/2 years old, 120lbs fluffy Great Pyrenees named Kato got tired while hiking. Good thing Kato’s humans reached out for assistance as they were about 1 mile away from the trail head.

Cordially Inviting all Christian Fundamentalists - Trump & his fans to go Fuck Yourselves.

That court ruling emboldened this fucking mental defect with his 'No Gays Allowed' sign in his hardware store which has been in the window shop for *last three years*.

Rudy Giuliani called Stormy Daniels sleazy. If he or other "conservatives" think nudity, or porn is "sleazy" this picture perfectly summarizes how the Trumps have degraded the office and the country.
The word "conservative" needs to be removed from the lexicon as it applies to contemporary Republicans. The new word should be "Hypocrites"...or maybe just "Fucking Assholes".
 The party leadership are not fiscally conservative, they are not conservative environmentally as Teddy Roosevelt was, they are not conservative with their mores and sexuality, they can not tell the truth, they are bankrupting the USA with the tax cut for the rich and the Secret Service babysitting the Trump family, they are racist, homophobic, misogynistic, have no sophistication, are endlessly getting busted stealing tax payers funds, grabbing, groping and raping women...and they lack intelligence and are boring as all fuck. They are not Christian, they are not patriotic, and the same applies to those that support them.
Fuck them...every last one of them.
No really, someone go fuck them as I won't because...
I would never fuck a modern day Republican.  :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

BREAKING: Bermuda Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Marriage Equality.

That's sort of funny...and just so, so, so wrong.  :)

Saturn has 62 moons. Here are a few of them.

The Helix Nebula, also known as TheEye of God, is a large planetary nebula located in the constellation Aquarius.