Friday, January 10, 2025

Queening Chairs - Queening Stools Facesitting Stools - Smother Boxes.

 Reposting this. Why? You may find yourself asking? So search engines will pick it up...I find myself answering. Plus...I'm too fucking lazy to do anything other than copy/pasting.  🤣😂

Might be a couple of redundant photos...not sure. After a while they all look the same. 

Forgive the "ocular disturbance" seated on some of the chairs...that's just my fat ass. :)









Oops...wrong post.  :)


And once again.  :)

I just threw this one in to see if anyone is still paying attention.
You're not right?  :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Jimmy Carter. Fuck the Media. :)


Obviously everyone knows he passed away. 
He was one of the best human beings to ever walk this planet. 

The media is pissing me off as they're going through the motions, creating headlines, getting clicks and traffic, pretending they care, though they've largely ignored this fantastic human being, who was also a good president (those that say otherwise are uneducated or clueless) for years/decades. I mean, I probably have more blog posts about him the last, what...pushing 10 years than some of the media does...those bastard hypocrites. 

A brief sampling:

Anyway, just one example of his ideology, lifes work, altruism and concern for humanity.

Guinea worm disease is a parasitic infection contracted when people consume water from stagnant sources contaminated with the Guinea worm larvae. After about a year of incubation, the Guinea worm creates an agonizingly painful lesion on the skin and slowly emerges from the body. When the Carter Center began their work in the fight against Guinea worm disease, there were 3.5 million cases in roughly 21 countries. LifeStraw partnered with The Carter Center to design a simple mesh filter to remove Guinea worm larvae from drinking water. At the time, there were more than 100,000 cases in 18 countries spanning Africa, South Asia and the Middle East. In 2020, LifeStraw donated 390,500 LifeStraw Guinea worm filters to The Carter Center for use in five countries. By the end of 2021, there were only 15 human cases reported in four countries. Since the partnership’s inception, LifeStraw has provided The Carter Center with more than 40 million filters.

Jimmy Carter refused to allow *anyone* to make a single penny profit off of this, not one penny.
Trump, Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Zuckerberg, the GOP would have tried to charge $100 or $5000 per unit if they could, but then none of them gives a single fuck about humanity, so they never would have been involved to begin with. 


Anyway, this is just me venting.   :)

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Got Porn? Want Some? 😁


I'm bored, so when that happens, I find things to read, trends, stuff related to society, then get more curious and dive in. I really should get a life, but that sounds like it would take effort, and I have none to spare today's topic is, about the smutty salacious sex industry. 

One interesting detail to me, according to the little compilation thingie below, is the rise in "fetish" by about 70%. I'm not really sure what "fetish" means to different people as it's arbitrary and subjective. I mean some people think a blowjob is kinky or "fetishy", so, who knows what constitutes that genre or title, but it's increasing either way. 


So then we go to the OnlyFans and other platforms chart, and it's baffling to me with so much free porn on the Internet, who it is that is subscribing to these? According to some online info, and of course I can not attest to the veracity of said online info, but:  

In 2023, OnlyFans generated $6.6 billion in gross revenue, a record-breaking year for the online video platform:  Revenue growth OnlyFans' revenue increased 20% year-over-year, and its profit before tax increased 25%. 

That's a lot of dollars for some nudie pics and videos. But obviously that income is not distributed equally, so a few make a bunch, and most make basically nothing. 

Most OnlyFans creators make between $150 and $180 per month, totaling around $2,000 per year, but this can vary widely. High-profile creators like celebrities often earn over $100,000 per month, with about 300 creators making over $1 million annually.

I freely admit to having no idea how this works, so am not sure why OnlyFans is popular. Is that because it's live, chat, one-to-one? Or something else? No idea, don't really care, but I know that it upsets some people. Not just OnlyFans, but this sort of entertainment in general. 


In 2023, OnlyFans creators earned more than the combined salaries of all NBA players:  
OnlyFans creators total earnings $6.6 billion.
NBA players total earnings $4.9 billion.
A $1.7 billion difference. 
Apparently the highest-paid NBA player Stephen Curry (who?) earned $52 million.  
Former Disney star Bella Thorne is estimated to earn $11 million per month on OnlyFans. 
Australian rapper and songwriter Iggy Azalea is estimated to earn $9.2 million per month.

So this pisses off some sports fans...which is odd to me. I mean, both spectator sports and spectator sex is considered "entertainment" right? The "fans" sit on the sidelines and watch others engage in activity they find enjoyable and pay the entertainers to perform. The irony is that it's mostly guys that watch pro-sports and mostly guys (often the same guys) that watch porn so...why do they value one over the other? Makes no sense to me. Whether you are a fan of Opera, sports, Bukkake porn, enjoy watching deep sea fishing shows, ballet, car racing, synchronized butt sex, speed Origami, regular Hollywood movies's all just entertainment right? 

I think some people get hacked off as they feel that no effort was required. To become a pro-athlete you need a genetic advantage obviously, and then about 42 billion hours of training, working out, diet, more training, practice, clean living, exercise and so on to even have the hope of making it to the minor leagues, much less the major leagues. (Leagues? Not sure that applies to all sports-team-gatherings-what-cha-ma-call-them-groups.) 

Anyway, to be successful with the porn stuff some good genetics will help and then you...spread your legs. That's it. No other training, practice or working out required. So yeah, I can sort of see some of the detractors points, lol. No effort, just be born with a certain look, and/or a good plastic surgeon and then bend over, suck, swallow, lick, stick, get stuck, fucked, stuffed, rammed, railed, ran through, romped on and get paid. Anyway, enough of this topic. I know little about pro-sports and am essentially celibate (unless face sitting counts) fucking idea why I even did this post. 🤣

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

My New Year's Resolution? Get Laid. :)


That's about it. 
I pretty much crush everything else. 
Health, eating clean and working out? 
Work and more work?
Hygiene, cleanliness?
Nearly obsessed over it.
Fuck no.
Lol.  :) 
Politically correct?
Fucken hell no.
All the time.
Write a lot which entertains and amuses me, even if it might not anyone else?
Hell yes. 
Play with my "puppies and kitties"?
All the time.
So, what does that leave?
A lack of cock.
A dearth of dick.
Sans dick/cock.
I'd lower my standards...
But I have none, so that's not possible. 

So anyway, hope everyone has a good forthcoming year.