...To save whatever might be left of the Republican party.
I've voted Republican and Democrat (I'm an Independent)...yet the daily shame one feels from Trumps words and actions and that of the spineless GOP "leadership" is a soul sucking embarrassment. Its not, for me, a partisan issue, its a human issue, and an American issue.
Remember Mom and Apple Pie?
The party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Bob Dole, Chuck Hagel, Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower?
Remember the (alleged) fiscal conservative ideology and genteel manners of those people?
Remember the mantra, ideology and the actual actions behind "women and children first" (followed by the elderly and disabled)?
Remember those that conducted themselves with grace, class, style, humility, and put others before themselves and were not greedily only self serving?
Remember Christianity?
The Bible?
The Golden Rule?
Remember "Do Unto Others as You would have Others Do Unto You"?
Remember pride?
The pride and dignity that stemmed from our ability, and willingness, to take care of others?
To help those around the world that suffered from living under despots, or were trying to survive natural disasters, earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis? And in a bygone era to use our military, as a last resort only, to fight Fascism, Nazism, the 'Rising Sun" and other evil insane dictators, mass murderers, those that engaged in genocide, and the oppression and deaths of millions of people?
Remember the survivors of the Great Depression?
The Dust Bowl?
World War I?
World War II?
The "Greatest Generation"?
Remember "Family Values"?
Mom, Dad, kids, grandparents, uncles, aunts, nieces, cousins, friends and family?
Christmas or Hanukkah?
Thanksgiving with your relatives?
Watching football games after everyone overfed themselves on Moms cooking?
Remember wanting to leave the world a better place?
For your children and grandchildren?
We used to befriend, rescue, save, assist and help those of other religions. Even if we didn't worship, understand or even agree with those religions or their practitioners.
We used to rescue the oppressed, the downtrodden, the impoverished from cages.
Now we put them in cages.
What happened?
What does anything that Trump does, or has ever done, that he says, or has ever said, that represents anything that is or ever was good in, or about the Republican party? He is 100% opposite of anything and everything that was even remotely something that Republicans used to stand for...and is now aligned with everything the GOP used to stand against.
I don't get it.
I don't understand it.
What happened to honor, integrity, ethics and honesty?
I know for a fact that deep inside the heads and hearts, the majority of Republicans detest this current version of the GOP, and while the freak sideshow may have been somewhat amusing, in reality, they too have a loathing for this born rich, never worked a day in his life, 6 times bankrupt, draft dodging, pansy ass buffoon....but most don't want to step out of the crowd, don't want to be the first to take a stand and admit to themselves and their party, that Trump has nothing to do with anything that is, was or ever could be "great" about the GOP or America. This is not about Democrats or partisan politics...its about you, the GOP voters, owing yourselves, and deserving something, better than this.
Okay, I had to vent.
I'm all done.
Now then, for those that actually read this...piss off and go live a better life.
The End.
See what I did there?
The End...using my backside to signify the end.
Its not my anterior.
Its not my front.
Its my backside.
My posterior.
As in...
The End. :)