Saturday, January 19, 2019

Fucking Mother Whore Fuck Fuck Fucking Mother Fucking Whores!!! :)

We are in the 28th day of a totally pointless & childish government shutdown. People are lining up at food pantries, losing their homes, going massively into debt for....a pointless and childish shutdown. Beyond the fact that Trump is an infantile dumb-fuck...Pelosi and Schumer are also pissing me off. 

They should be in DC submitting a bill every single day instead of being on vacation. They should have stayed in DC since the 1st day and written a bill that states they are going to give 3 Billion (or 2 Billion or 5 Billion) for "USA/Mexico Border Security" and stipulate that X amount of dollars is for immigration judges, X amount for electronic security, X amount Drone Surveillance, X amount whatever and Zero Amount for a pointless wall and put Trump on the spot to either accept & sign it, or reject it. If he rejected it, they should have tweaked it the 2nd day of the shutdown, submitted it, if he rejected it, tweak again the 3rd day and on and on. 

There are 535 Members of Congress. 
100 in the Senate and 435 House of Representatives.
529 of them get paid $174,000 per year, the speaker of the House gets $223,500 a year, the majority & minority leaders & the President Pro Tempore, get $193,400 per year, Trump gets $400,000. 

That is roughly...$94,000,000....$94 million dollars...Ninety Four Million dollars that you pay them, that you pay your employees, because they work for you, per year. 

The Dems and Pelosi wanted and won the House, and they got it. your fucking jobs.

This Hairdo...

And this Hairdo...

And this Hairdo...

Need to work so this Wall Hairdo...
Will stop innocent & honest US workers from suffering & going bankrupt.  :)


Off topic..but when it comes to "Big Pimping"....I've never seen anyone do it better. :) 

Women's Marches take Place Around the World.

People are gathering for the global March in support of women's rights and equality. And yet, me being a supporter of egalitarianism, meaning true equality, I have to point out that few women in the "West" are clamoring for construction and other manual labor type jobs. My point is, that for many men, those jobs are their only option. I'm a bit tired of my "sisters" hand-wringing, screaming, marching and crying over the pay disparity for white collar and "glass ceiling" jobs, while ignoring the plight of blue collar they male or female. Raising everyone up, does not mean having a laser focus on having a few women in cushy high paying white collar CEO means advocating for *everyone*.   :) 


Thursday, January 17, 2019

Random Memes...Some Political....You've Been Warned. :)

A Puppy-Dog decided to barge in on a Fashion Show.  :)






Found the following ad online.
You have to be very dedicated to your fetish to want all this.  :) 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Musical Face Sitting Chairs...

Its a new game I'm developing.  :) 

You can always tell when my submissive is out of town, I quickly and easily get bored and start doing stupid silly things like this. I'll never understand how some people, kinky or vanilla, gay or straight and any variation or combination between, can maintain an out-of-town relationship. 

I'd go crazy nuts...okay...even crazier nuts then I am already.  :) 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Here's how much the President, Vice President and members of Congress get paid, even during a government shutdown...

President: $400,000, plus expense allowance of $50,000, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment.
Vice President: $243,500 per year.
Speaker of the House: $223,500
Majority and Minority Leaders: $193,400
All other Representatives (including Delegates and Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico): $174,000
Chief Administrative Officer: $172,500
Clerk of the House: $172,500
Sergeant at Arms: $172,500
Chaplain: $172,500
Legislative Counsel: $172,500
Law Revision Counsel: $172,500
Parliamentarian: $172,500
Inspector General: $172,500
Director, Interparliamentary Affairs: $172,500
General Counsel to the House: $172,500
Here's a breakdown of the annual salary of members, officers and officials of the Senate:
President pro tempore: $193,400
Majority and Minority Leaders: $193,400
All other Senators: $174,000
Secretary of the Senate: $172,500
Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper: $172,500
Legislative Counsel: $172,500
Legal Counsel: $172,500
Parliamentarian: $171,315
Chaplain: $160,787

By the way, Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25 an hour, as it has been since July 2009. 
These greedy fucking politicians have not raised it in...10 years. 


Now that Trump Made America Great Again by Making Mexico Pay for His Wall...

What's that you say?

Mexico told Trump to go fuck himself and refused to pay for the wall?

The government has been shut down for almost a month because Trump lied about making Mexico pay for the wall that only he and a few brain-dead morons think is a good idea? 

Whats that you're telling me? People aren't getting their paychecks, TSA employees are absent, the FDA isn't inspecting food and drugs, soon 38 million impoverished people will not be receiving their food and housing assistance, city buses will stop running and no new IPOs can be issued, people can't open new businesses because the offices that issue EIN numbers for LLCs are closed, and National Parks are overflowing with hooligans running over rare Joshua Trees in their 4x4s and ruining a very delicate ecosystem due to the Forest Rangers being sent home and our nation is at risk because the Coast Guard and Border Patrol are either at home or being forced to work for free and...I could go on for hours, or weeks and months.

That's a lot of fucking...."winning". 
Fuck Donald Coward Bone Spurs Traitor Trump.  :)  


But back in the sane world....Don't you hate it when people place stickers on light poles.  :)



They call it a wine cellar...for me it would be a punishment room...but it would still be called the "Whine cellar" :)