Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Snarky Sexy Stuff.

Because nothing, and I mean nothing, tops some good old fashioned...
Patriotic fisting.  :)



Women With Bigger Butts Are Smarter And Healthier, Study Says.

This is an interesting study...but one that will get shredded. For a bazillion years (give or take, lol) prior to the "invention" of junk food and/or fast food, most women were all roughly the same size. Primarily because most people were poor, had challenges finding food (hard to get fast deliveries by covered wagon), did much more manual labor, burnt more calories so....body types were more similar. I don't mean in regards to somatotyping (you know, endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph) but due to the masses having similar lives.
Second point...what do they consider an "average" sized ass these days? In order to stipulate that those women with higher levels of adipose on their hips and butt (assipose?) they first have to establish what level of corpulence is "above" average. An average sized American woman is in all likelihood going to have more booty than an emaciated person from some poor 3rd world country. But that does not mean the American is smarter or healthier in all cases. We always read and hear stories about people in Japan, those that eat a Mediterranean diet and other examples living longer than most...and I'm going to call nonsense on the "smarter" conclusion as well.  I could be wrong though, because I am thin so that must make me...."morder bigly stupider" .  :)

Monday, March 12, 2018

Damn Demanding Deviant Dastardly Deeded Dominatrix Damsels Dominate Discounts?


Handcrafted embroidery by artist Kira Scarlet.
I'm seeing a...theme here.  :)

When you're sick of tourists confusing your office for the penis museum. Tourists were constantly mistaking the Reykjavík International Film Festival offices to be the Icelandic Phallological Museum, but a sagely-worded poster was used to point confused patrons in the right direction.


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Today is "International Women's Day".

So we honor all the women that broke the mold.  :)

KC Royals Come Out Against Porn, Will Other MLB Teams Follow Suit?


Proposed Law Could Mean No More Free Porn In Rhode Island.

I think the ACLU might have a little something to say about this, such as I would...see below. :)

‘I like the rejection and the humiliation’: 8 men explain what they love about cuckolding.

                                            8 men explain what they love about cuckolding.

I find it curious how so many of these types of articles focus on the males perspective. Its almost as if they don't know that some of us have been cuckolding our husbands since the dawn of time. In todays "fetish" world a distinction is often made between "cuckoldry" and "cheating". But in its purest form, from a terminological exactitude standpoint....its the same thing.   :)

See the whip on her purse?  :)

The shop that buys your dead uncle’s porn collection.