Sunday, October 13, 2024

Women Like This Inspire Me. :)



Just passing this along should someone care to read it. I realize some people don't want to read anything "political" and we're all exhausted by the endless onslaught of the politically based "business" in the USA (because that's what it is, billions and billions of dollars in business for a multitude of companies, media, ad companies, web design, yard signs, lobbyists, t-shirts, the politicians themselves, etc.) the end of all that are human beings being fucked over by the jackasses in the Republican Party.  

Some of us do care about freedom, oppression, the nastiness of humanity, egalitarianism, autonomy, choice, altruism, benevolence, the stupidity of man fighting and killing over oil, land, power, greed, women as chattel, money, and so on, so for those that do, this lady advocating for what is right, against a whole town of brainwashed, ignorant, paranoid inbred stupid heartwarming and motivating. 

Future generations and historians will look back on the GOP/Trump era and just shake their heads, wondering what in the flying fuck was wrong with these people. Same as the KKK, Nazis, Mao, Stalin, any era or situation where people allowed themselves to be indoctrinated into a cult...and lost all sight of right or wrong, good or evil, stopped thinking for themselves and not only allowed evil to exist, but took part in it. It reminds me of: 

The night is black without a moon 
The air is thick and still 
The vigilantes gather on 
The lonely torch lit hill 
Features distorted in the flickering light 
Faces are twisted and grotesque 
Silent and stern in the sweltering night 
Mob moves like demons possessed 
Quiet in conscience, calm in their right 
Confident their ways are best 
 The righteous rise with burning eyes 
Of hatred and ill-will 
Madmen fed on fear and lies 
To beat, and burn, and kill 
They say there are strangers who threaten us 
Our immigrants and infidels 
They say there is strangeness too dangerous 
In our theatres and bookstore shelves 
Those who know what's best for us 
Must rise and save us from ourselves 
Quick to judge, quick to anger 
Slow to understand 
Ignorance and prejudice 
And fear, walk hand in hand

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Melania Trump is Cuckolding Donald Trump!!! :)

Maybe. At least that's what a lot of people are saying, lol. That's what Trumpie always says: "A lot of people are saying." And then he starts lying about whatever it is he's going to lie about...which is pretty much every single damn thing that's ever come out of his mouth.  

Anyway, Melania is 54 years old (which is not old) and Trumpie is 78 (which is getting up there). So, that's a 24 year age difference. Perhaps his daily little blue pill (Viagra) and orange makeup (crossdresser or clown, not sure) just ain't doing it for her. 


Melania is surrounded by good looking, young, virile, healthy, well built, muscled up, hard bodied men (and women) through the Secret Service. And by "secret service" I mean she is being "serviced" in "secret" and being pumped full of "secret sauce". 

Whereas Trump is an out of shape douchebag that wears orange makeup, a girdle, lifts in his shoes (high heels) and a wig. Plus, he's obnoxious, ignorant, has a short dick (according to Stormy Daniels, at least that's what "A lot of people are saying.") and is just disgusting. How could she respect a draft dodging, born rich, never worked a day in his life, lived off his Daddies money but still went bankrupt 6 times, flabby punkass bitch of a "man". She wanted access to his money (his Daddies money actually) and she got it, used him, and she views him as he really is...subpar and inferior. 

Melania, shamelessly flirting with Justin Trudeau, right in front of Trump. He knows she's doing it and isn't happy, but being an inferior "man" there's nothing he can do about it. 


Melania, staring with scorn, derision, a mocking and sadistic evil look in her eyes, at the wussy, halfman, lesser man she finds loathsome. You can just see the devious intent in her eyes, how she seeks retribution from him, and intends on making his life miserable. 


You think when she took that weeks long (months long?) solo trip to Africa she was..."solo"? And even now, where is she? She's pretty much never seen with him. She's off living her own life, at the gym, lunch with the girls, nights out with some random raging rock hard cock...

Melania is shrewd, crafty, sly and I can assure you, she's getting plenty of dick on the side, has been for years, decades even, and she's been loving every minute of it. At least that's what "A lot of people are saying." I mean, I'm "people", a person, and I just said it.  

Okay, enough of me entertaining and amusing to the gym. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Jimmy Carter is 100 Years Old Today. :)


He said he wanted to make it to be able to cast his vote for Kamala Harris. He did. Not a secret that he's one of the few (very few) "celebrities" that I admire on earth.

Jimmy Carter (with a black eye after a fall) working on a Habitat for Humanity home, at age 95. The guy spent his entire life volunteering time, work, effort, labor and money for the impoverished and downtrodden, for those without hope and without a voice. He is simply one of the most admirable human beings to ever walk on this planet. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Dominatrixes & Hookers Dominate the UN Assembly. :)


 So, the 2024 UN Assembly roles to a close. What was accomplished? Apparently, fuck all nothing. However...out of the 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations, by the time you add the politicians, representatives, their support staff, security, press, extra staff for hotels, parking, restaurants, extra staff at airports for all those private planes and so on, it's 10,000s of thousands of people. And who is the busiest? Hookers, Strippers and ProDoms.


 They rake in the money. Think about it, millionaires, billionaires, most of the attendees are men, most are from conservative countries, most are (or claim to be) deeply devout in their very conservative religions, so this means..they're going to get their perverted, kinky, freaky, fetishy freak on. 


The diplomats are meeting world leaders by day and high-end hookers by night. High-priced escorts are flocking to the city from as far away as Las Vegas and Europe to meet the increased demand, plus all the "local" talent already there. Business goes up 20% to 25%, according to the women that conduct such lofty and hard work (and by lofty and hard, I mean, erections that are stiff). 

The insiders added of the erotic aides and their international clients,“They go to hotels because they can’t go to the residences or the embassies,” pointing out that the luxe ladies of the evening “make $3,000 to $5,000” per session. The source said “diplomats go crazy because they’re so repressed where they are . . . they don’t have these girls.” Conventional wisdom dictates when the demand for sex workers goes up, so does attendance at local strip clubs. A different source says diplomats who do dip into strip clubs get private rooms.“VIP rooms are booked, and they spend anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 in a night. You look around and it’s not the usual crowd of regulars."

And I would posit, the same would apply to ProDoms, and probably Pro-Subs as well. So, while nothing is getting done on global warming, wars, poverty, crime, pollution and pesky little trivial things of that nature, pussies are being pumped, tits are being ravaged, booty is being kissed, abnormal sexual acts are being enacted, balls are being emptied, no doubt the alcohol is flowing, Vigra is being used, heavily, drugs (legal and illegal) are being taken, sniffed, snorted, injected, money is flowing and a grand time is being all.



This ends Vanessa's Intenational Politics, Tits and Ass Special Late Breaking News Report. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Is "Incel" A Fetish?

Setting aside, for the moment, all the negative attributes and accusations for those males deemed as being "Incels" (as some might be true, most are probably false) I found myself wondering earlier if for some guys it's something more akin to a celibate, blue balls, tease and denial, being denied sort of fetish? 


What I mean is, we all know there are millions of guys that are aroused by being denied, in chastity, have orgasms ruined, just being of "service", compersion and other descriptors of that nature. So, do some of them make little to no effort at finding a girlfriend, in the conventional sense, so they revel in their semi-self-imposed blue balled "misery"?  Or maybe I am totally confused and my mind is just making this up, not sure. 

We know the human brain is very complex, as is human sexuality, and the confluence of the two make up a very bizarre and confusing aspect of our "being" and nature. I can see, in theory at least, a situation where men of a certain "type" would sort of enter into a mindset where they are perpetually aroused, maybe have secret "crushes" on female coworkers, neighbors, watching porn, whatever, and yet still make no effort to couple with anyone, so they're always horny, but "denied" so are therefore seen as being an Incel, but are in truth turned on by the whole thing? (That was one looooong run on sentence, lol.) No idea really...maybe I should get a more productive hobby, but my brain won't shut up.   :) 

Lastly...for all those lovely, wonderful people that have purchased my products and books over the years, thank you. There has recently been a substantial increase in people buying my books and it is appreciated, plus I am happy to know that people are enjoying them.   :) 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

What the Bleep Can I Eat?! :)



Ah yes, food. The food thing. Food stuff. You

Increasingly a lot of people are having food allergies, reactions, some very bad, some uncomfortable, some that are just unhealthy. There are a lot of preservatives, antibiotics, steroids, dyes and junk additives in our food. Some peoples bodies are tolerant to this, others are not. So, for those that are not, the link below has a plethora of information on food allergies, sensitivities, options, suggestions and alternatives. It can be very confusing, but for many people the quality of life can be substantially better by avoiding foods that trigger ill health and bad reactions.

I like eating. As you can tell, I'm always hunting and foraging in the kitchen. 

Submissive cuckolds need to eat as well.
However, regarding mine, he can....Eat This.

Failure to do so correctly, results in...this. 

Which then leads to a more compliant and eager submissive tongue slave. 



Yeah, I need help. I make my mannequins have orgies.  :) 


I forgot about this lovely snarky photo. Are women still doing the "FinDom" thing? Ever since I closed most of my social media accounts and left Fetlife years ago, I don't see much about it. But yeah, I created this to make fun of the 47 thousand billion women that were trying to do the "FinDom" thing...I mean, get a job. If you have health problems and are disabled, apply for SSI and whatever government programs exist that are (rightfully) there for people that need assistance. But stop pretending or assuming just because you have a vagina, men are supposed to pay your bills your whole life. That's not feminism, that's just being an entitled lazy lame ass. 


And back to food, from the standpoint of health, eating clean and working out will make a huge difference in body size, shape, weight, mass and overall health. And yes, it is indeed a touchy subject for some people, but I'm not sure why. Anyone, all of us, every single one of us, if we didn't move much and ate unhealthy food, and/or too much of it, would end up overweight, every single one of us, so it's not something to be defensive about. Just change it. It's hard, but it's not. Burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight, period. This applies to people, male or female, and any animal on the planet. It's just science and biology. 

By a weird fluke, my husband took the photo of me (below/right) some time back at random, and then I realized I'd seen a similar type photo and body type and pose before. So, turns out it was of a marble statue of The Venus Callipyge, also known as the Aphrodite Kallipygos or the Callipygian Venus. This was created around 1st Century BC, and is a reproduction of one that was dated about 200 years earlier, so it's somewhere in the vicinity of 2100 to 2300 years old. The point being, is that (yes, genetics is a factor with some people) overall, the human body has not changed much in thousands of years, minus junk food and a more "leisurely" lifestyle. Side note, the word "callipygian" obviously stems from The Venus Callipyge so, I guess her having a word created in honor of her ass, is a compliment.  :)